Bio Fuel Barbados Nut

While I know this isn't the most graceful picture to start out with but . These are 5lb inserts containing Barbados nuts. These grow 6 months then 6 months dormant. I just stack them in a corner till the next season. There are years of pictures of growing the plant and why it's best for Bio-Fuel.

This is one of two full size parent Barbados Nut trees. These are 13yrs old, started taking cuttings when they were three. What I like about the plant is habit of going dormant so that they can be taken out the system till Spring. These larger trees were grown in a dirt media. They needed a repot so I changed it into the system. That's a change from dirt based to water based system.

I planted a 100 seeds because I heard they were hard to germinate. Well, out of that 100 only two germinated. Two. But when they got to three years old I started taking cuttings.

To the right is the first stages of flower production. Too late in the season to produce much. Might be the only one too flower out of 24.

This has been inside a long time due to life concerns but this is a nice plant. Or tree how ever you look at it. There are the two Barbados nuts and a Coral tree. It's another of the plants looked at as a source of Bio-Fuel. I have another plant that produces bio-fuel but very little compered to the Barbados nut which produces in clusters like grapes.

Those cuttings are growing in 5lb inserts. They've been growing in those inserts for 8yrs. They don't grow much but get a good canopy in six months. They flower most in the Spring .

One of the things I mentioned about the Barbados Nuts was the very poor germination rate. I've grown some and the germination rate for fresh seeds are about one in ten.

Since it was so late in the season I thought none would start to flower. Well, since I thought that I found one that did. Then I said it would be that one. Yet today I found another flowering as well.

These are Barbados nuts. Best source for Bio-Fuel. Those buds will turn into grape like clusters that are then crushed and the juice from those clusters can be used right in a diesel engine.