Summer 2022

Summer 2022

I'm moving, don't know where yet but it doesn't mean I stop the projects I have going. This Big Max pumpkin I'm growing in a 5gal SWC.

The picture across right is a week after planting into the SWC.

This is the growth spurt of the Moon Pumpkin growing in the system. Has a new set of leaves. It's said that the pumpkin has to grow 22 sets of leaves before you get female flowers. Both types already have plenty of male flowers Interesting thought tho is this is a direct water line to the pumpkin. Unlike dirt where your stuck with the wet-dry cycle. The roots are constantly in water. The cycle is a lot longer. So instead of watering every 3 to 4 days you now add water every 5 or 7 days. The larger the plant the water it will take. The pumpkin will take at least a gallon a day.

This is just 16 days of growth

Started some store bought Sweet potato for slips. Started them in the system and they grew very well. Transferred them to a 20gal rope tub.

Another thing I wanted to do is switch out the remaining large trees to the system. That includes the two 7' Barbados nut and the Coral tree. Both are looked at for bio-fuel production but the Barbados nut far out performs the others..

The above two pictures are of the roots of the Barbados nut and the Coral tree. The picture on the left is of the Coral tree planted into the 2gal insert. Both the Barbados nut and the Coral tree were grown in 5gal SWC's.

The picture below are of the Kings Tut's Papyrus. Bought it a a Nursery growing in dirt. Now it's been transferred to the system. Normally it grow to 5'.

Something interesting going on now but have to see how it plays out. One of the things I have to look at with this move is can I change out any other tree to the system. Now the Coffee trees below have been growing 10yrs now. They spent 7 months outside and 5 inside. They loose a lot of leaves because of lack of sunshine. But they leaf right up when outside again. An yes the first photo is after 5 months inside. While the other is after 2 months outside plus the fact it's getting a full canopy but ready to flower.

June 24 2022

May 2 2022

While I've grown pumpkins before in SWC's I'm also going to try growing one in the system. The "system" is Aquaponic. Just using bacteria instead of fish.

June 8th 2022

July 4 2022

Three weeks in the system and the first female flower appears on the Aquaponics trial. Even the SWC hasn't produced a flower yet and it's three weeks older. Now to consider that that this may require filling several times a day. Have to consider fertilizing every time I water as well.

I have to say that I don't remember the name of this tree. It's one that I've had for 13yrs now. I know it doesn't look it but that's 13yrs in a 5gal bucket ignored. Gave the roots a good wash and it fit real snug into the 2gal insert. That all I did for the roots. Just a wash, no pruning. Let's see what this looks like in a month.