0. From the Editor's Desk...

Welcome to third issue of ELT Practitioner in which the home page portrays a picture which depicts the cycle of action research. You can observe that the process starts with finding a problem then devise a plan and implement the plan. This is the part of the process where the action is taking place. After implementing the plan, you will be able to get whether the process is working or not working. During observation of the whole process of action research, it gets completed . The educators often uses action research method to sift the topics of teaching, development of curriculum, and student behavior in the classroom in a very effective manner. This issue comprises five papers based on action research in which first paper in devoted to Collaborative Learning (CL) and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) as learner-centric, tech-friendly and task-based methods facilitating the development of language for analytical and critical thinking, leading to autonomous learning in students. Second Paper unravels the methods of developing conversational skill among students in engineering colleges with the help of Partner game, Birth order session, Team Brainstorming, Three Questions Game, and The Artist Game. Third paper is an action research project which shows how poetry helps to enhance the creative writing of the learners in an effective way, as poetry is a form of art, in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities. Fourth Paper describes that the students should be educated about the importance of good business writing and the benefits it would bring. Training in good business writing is essential, which would boost the morale of the students and improve their job perspectives and fifth paper discusses about the interactions of learners help them to develop their inter language, which has the current version of the learners’ language and seems to be perfectly logical for the learners when it is incorrect. The title of last paper corroborates the aim of Learning. The title is Silent Way which demonstrates the natural process of learning of a learner.

I hope you will enjoy this issue and your valuable suggestions are always welcome.

Keep Teaching… Keep Reading…

Kumar Shravan