5. Technology used for higher secondary students to speak better English - A report on Action Research—Shanthi & Karthiga


In teaching English, teachers play vital role as they are the authoritative persons to enhance good communication among students. Students’ need for communicating in English increases day by day. As the demand for communication in English of the student’s increases, importance of speaking in English also raises. It is mostly seen that students at secondary level are in constant need for guidance for communicating in English with latest technology. The students at this level should have an added motivation with the help of some activities. As the learners at higher secondary level are matured only use of lecture method will not be useful. Students also have different levels of interest. Students of this century are in dire need for some activity. This paper gives a report of the action research carried out in a government aided school in Tamil Nadu. The method for the learners group helps them to think originally and to put an end to unmindful mugging-up. This would also receive an impetus when peer group activities are encouraged and the learners are given some time at higher secondary level.


From my own experience I have seen many students those who have struggled to speak English in college first year, which further frustrates them from accomplishing other academic work. Even if the students communicate in English up to X standard their disability and discomfort starts when they come to higher secondary. This is because the students are unable to concentrate in English communication at this stage. So I started my analysis with students of XI. When I was interacting with plus one students, I perceived that they are inert and there was no enthusiasm to speak in English with teachers or to me. I planned to investigate this problem with action research to enable them to speak at least some simple sentences in English.

Action Research demarcated

Action research helps both students and teachers. Teachers involve in a second circle of learning process. It helps the students to recognize where they are with result and the teachers’ aid becomes more powerful at this stage. According to Emily Calhoun, Action Research is a fancy way of saying let's study what's happening at our school and decide how to make it a better place. A. Christine Miller defines Action research as a natural part of teaching. Teachers are continually observing students, collecting data and changing practices to improve student learning and the classroom and school environment. Action research provides a framework that guides the energies of teachers toward a better understanding of why, when, and how students become better learners.

Sketch of the sample

A sample of 47students of IX Std A Section of Neelambal Subramniar Higher Secondary School, Salem was taken as the population for the present study. I asked them about their eagerness to converse in English. Most of the students responded affirmatively. I asked them to narrate their ideas. Only a few students attempted. Many kept tight-lipped.


I persuaded them to speak in English. Though many were interested they could not accomplish the task. After repeated attempts I found that the students found speaking in English difficult because they could not frame simple sentences in the language. I pondered over the problem for a few days. At last I hid upon an idea. I ventured to try the idea. I explained my idea to the Headmaster and the English language teacher. They heard my plan patiently and assured me all possible assistance. I took the help of the teachers. They gave a video projector.

VHP was used for the students with latest pictures and videos. The students were asked to tell simple words and speak simple sentences about the picture or video. The classroom duration was divided as follows :

First 20 minutes was utilised for Group A (23 students) with lecture method of a topic. Next 20 minutes the students of Group B (24 students) was engaged with a video head projector and provided with the same topic taught for the group A.

Last 5 minutes was spent with the students of Group A for discussion to reframe their ideas in better English with simple words based on the guidelines provided by me.

Such a routine was practised for 15 days.


In last 5 days the routine was slightly changed. The use of VHP with difficult words used in the videos was practised and student’s interaction was also increased in Group B. At this point 30 minutes was utilised for the interaction with visualisation through videos by the Group B students. Group B students had both visual and interaction sessions. The students of Group A were taught with bilingual method of a different topic for a period of 30 minutes. I was delighted to notice that the majority of students of Group B fared well in the task of speaking English meaningfully with the consequent effect of the visuals and animation.

The final analysis was done on the 21st day. The students were put together and both the group of students were asked to introduce themselves in simple words. The students of Group B introduced themselves with enjoyment. Even though there was a little stammering among students of Group B, they were able speak some words in English. This self introducing session was also taken as video. The students of Group A had a great pitfall to speak in English. They were not able to speak four sentences in English. Later the students were shown the video they enjoyed the session and students of Group A were also asking to help them to speak in English with VHP. As the time was increased for students of Group B in visual method, they started to concentrate more. Even when time was increased for Group A along with bilingual method, they could not speak simple sentences.


The research results showed that classroom interaction with Visuals and animation used in technology could be improved by providing necessary practice in construction of simple sentences. It was further ascertained that students practice English conversation after overcoming the initial teething problems of reluctance and shyness. They were slow in their improvement; but their rate of improvement can be enhanced through constant practice. Students of higher secondary are not given time for conversing in English. They deeply concentrate on other subjects. This method will save them from over exhaustion from other subjects. Good results in overall learning and better outcomes can also be noted in communication English.

Works cited

1. Calhoun, Emily F. “How to Use Action Research in the Self-Renewing

School.” Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum

Development, 1994.

2. Miller, Christine A. “Action Research: Making Sense of Data.” On-line

article recovered 11/05/2007 from <http:// www.coe.fau.edu/sfcel/sensdata.htm>. Web

3. Wiersmar, W. (1994) Research Methods in Education: The University of Toledo.