2. E-assessment in Second Language --- Shashirekha


Bimonthly [ISSN 2349-2155 ]

Vol. I No. 1 -- April-June 2014


S. M. Shashirekha

Research Scholar, Department of Education,

Davangere University, Davangere-570002

E-mail shashirekhasm@gmail.com


E-Assessment for learning is an area where pedagogy is evolving rapidly alongside technology. It is a mode of assessment, which is used in the classroom teaching and learning. In the 21st century need new skills to cope up in the information era need new ways of assessing them. E-Assessment began to be used widely from the late 1990s. It is necessary to use E-Assessment because; continuous and comprehensive evaluation is rapidly being adopted by states of India as the national policies on education call for incorporation. RTE Act 2009 also makes mention of continuous and comprehensive evaluation. In order to give instantaneous feedback to large group, involve students in assessment, provide authentic results, and meet the changing requirements of the learners and global world. It is necessary to make use of E-assessment in second language helps to form proper language habits among second language learners.


English is a global language it is essential to compete with the changing scenario. In state of rising level of unemployment, having command over the English language is need of the hour. It is a passport to global career opportunities. Most of the students event after the 11 to 12 years of learning English in schools and colleges they are confronted with the inability to listening comprehension, speaking, Reading comprehension, and writing in English. It is the duty of the teacher to pay attention to the development of language skills among students. In order to develop these skills teacher has to give more practice and along with practice teacher has to assess the language skills. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation are the main aspects of all education programmes. In this evaluation has occupied important place. English language Education has been witnessing paradigm shifts in the areas such as curriculum designing, objectives, classroom process, specification, content and material development, assessment and evaluation system. The shifts have been changing approach to evaluation. Continuous evaluation in second language teaching and learning is essential.

Meaning of E-Assessment:

Assessment is a process of making decisions about a learner’s performance. It involves gathering and organising information (evidence of learning) in order to review what learners have achieved. It informs decision-making in education and helps teachers to establish whether learners are performing according to their full potential and making progress towards the required level of performance. Assessment process needs much time so English teacher can make use E-Assessment in second language teaching and learning.

It is mode of assessment and it is electronic assessment more than multiple choices. It is a computer-based assessment of assignments, peer assessment, E-portfolios, reflective journal, Forums, glossaries, wikis, etc.

According Ofqual E- Assessment “ The use of electronic systems for the development, operation and delivery of accredited qualification assessment or collection of performance evidence, which contributes to the awarding of the unit or an accredited qualification”.

According to JISC: “ Electronic assessment (e-assessment) is an alternative form of assessment, which can be used to evaluate students’ learning development”.

Why E-Assessment?

Language learning is nothing but habit formation to form language habits teacher has to give more practice. Along with giving practices teacher has to assess continuously, than only it is possible for teacher to form right language habits. Continuous assessment involves number of aspects so teacher can make use of E-assessment for follow up and revision purpose.

  1. It provides immediate feedback to the learners. If English language teacher can used E-assessment in their classes, this provide quick results and can provide information about their strength’s and weakness of the learner to a large group.
  2. Improved assessment validity: E-assessment measures what it intended to measure, it means actual skill or understanding. It is more valid because it contains rich information.
  3. Flexibility: E-assessment can be provided at a greater range of location and times.
  4. It is efficient: Compare to other assessments E-assessment reduces the administration burden on centres.
  5. It save teachers time and energy: In most of the Indian schools we find minimum 4o students in a class teacher find less time to concentrate on each students. E-assessment helps teacher to assess continuously without much burden on the part of the teacher.
  6. Easy to administration: It can administer easily without much burden and with less human resources and other material resources.
  7. Reduces the assessment errors: If a teacher can make use of e-assessment in the classroom automatically reduces assessment errors and subjectivity. Objective assessment is possible in second language teaching and learning.
  8. More Authentic assessment: E-assessment provides more authentic result of teaching and learning second language. Easy to store and collate marks.
  9. Better assessment: Quality of assessment remains a political and educational issue. The availability of immediate and more detailed information about assessments allows and requires assessing institutions to be more proactive in managing their assessment.

Objectives of the Study

  1. To familiarize the meaning of E-assessment.
  2. To know why E-assessment is essential in second language teaching and learning.
  3. To familiarize the Moodle tools for e-assessment in second language teaching and learning.

Review of Related literature

The end-to-end electronics assessment processes where ICT is used for the presentation of assessment activity and recording responses. This includes the end-to-end assessment process from the perspective of learners, tutor learning establishments, awarding bodies and regulators and the general public (JISC, 2006).

Assessment in this domain can be related to recognition and motivation (formative assessment) recording the learners’ achievements (summative assessment), helping students to understand their development needs (diagnostic assessment) defining levels of achievement (standard setting), and enabling employers and teachers recognize what young people have achieved (differential and selection) Duckett and Jones, 2006, Jones, 2005).

Moodle Tools for E-assessment

The following are the moodle tools will be used for E-assessment in second language teaching and learning

  • Quizzes
  • Assignments
  • Wikis
  • Workshops
  • Forums
  • Glossaries

Moodle Quizzes: In this, following question types will be used to assessment.

  1. Multiple choices
  2. True/False
  3. Short answer
  4. Matching

Hot Potatoes Quizzes: In this following question types can be used for assessment

  1. Cross word
  2. Drag and drop match
  3. Gap-filling
  4. Multiple-choices
  5. Mixed letters/words


The aforementioned moodle tools can be used for diagnostic/formative assessment in class of large group. These well-designed quizzes can assess range of learning outcome levels, such as evaluation, synthesis, analysis application, comprehension, and knowledge.


E-Assessment helps in brining awareness of the achievement to the child, teachers and parents from time to time without much burden on the part of the teacher. It also looks into probable cause of the falls in achievement if any and may take remedial measures of instruction in which more emphasis is required.

References and Further Reading