
On this page you will find various things that need addressing. However, I didn't have enough information or things to add for each item listed below, and therefore I couldn't justify making a webpage for each one. 

Completely Repeal the AUMF

The AUMF authorizes the president to bypass congressional approval to use any and all military force as he/she wants under the guide of fighting terrosm and protecting the Unied States. This however, is nothing more than a bill to give the Military Industrial complex free reign to attack anyone it see's fit for the sake of US hegemony and capitalistic greed.  

Repeal the decision that made protests illegal

(April 20th, 2024)

Abolish the NED, The Ford Foundation, and the USAID for they all are nothing more than CIA cutouts. (I would like to request information on these organizations and their ties to the CIA, use the contact form on this website to get ahold of me)

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) Is Subverting Democracy (2022)

NED-Funded Uyghur Separatist Network and CAIR Director Rally Around Cold War Propaganda (April 15th, 2021)

NED Iintervention.pdf

Abolish Insider Trading

We must make congressional insider trading illegal. If a member is caught insider trading their actions MUST be reported to the public, followed by their termination and imprisonment of at least 10 years with no bail or parole possible. 

(July 15th, 2022) 

The case for five new states (May 5th, 2021)

Decades-long debates surrounding DC, Puerto Rico and Guam statehood have been reignited.  (April 30th, 2021)

Reference these resources to learn more:

upEND Movement , JMacForFamilies, Movement for Family Power 

Study: Most Americans want to kill ‘Citizens United’ with constitutional amendment (May 10th, 2018)

What Are Common Sense Gun Laws—and How Can They Save Lives? (November 3rd, 2022) 

Abolish the TSA

(April 5th, 2022)