Whistleblowers and Journalists

If we’re to have any resemblance of press freedom then we must repeal the espionage act to protect our whistler-blowers and journalists from prosecution. Moreover, even if said whistle-blower or journalist violates US Code 793 they should not be penalized when they like Julian Assange for example are merely reporting on the information they legally received from a 3rd party. 

We must also free, pardon and give reparations to the following journalists and whistleblowers as well as any others who are not listed.

On May 22nd, 2024 - A Chinese spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs cites the case of Julian Assange: "People care about the fate of Julian Assange, because his case tells the world what US-style press freedom actually means" and says the "world will be watching" what happens next 

(June 25th, 2024) 

(July 9th, 2024)

(October 1st, 2024)

(October 6th, 2024)

(October 9th, 2024)

(October 17th, 2024)

(October 22nd, 2024)

(November 27th, 2024)

(November 29th, 2024)

(December 20th, 2024)

(January 10th, 2025)

(January 20th, 2025)

(January 25th, 2025)

(January 27th, 2025)

(January 28th, 2025)