Podcast Recommendations 

Thank you for visiting this page - as you know, podcasts can be a great escape and provide great background noise while you're busy doing something else. However, as these podcasts have their discussions - you may find that you want to pause them and write down what they have said to look up or share later. At least, that's what I do a lot. Anyway, the following are some podcasts that I recommend but make sure not to judge them after a few minutes, some of them are slow burns - give em' a chance.

The podcasts listed here are in no particular order, and of course - they are political in nature. - If you like what I have shared here but aren't seeing your favorite podcast, feel free to recommend other podcasts for me to add. 

Guerrilla History Podcast 

Teach Me Communism 

Revolutionary Left Radio  

Macro N Cheese (economic discussions)

Marx Engels Institute Podcast 

Visit their Youtube Channel for more up to date content. 

The Red Menace Podcast 


Srsly Wrong 

Actually Existing Socialism

Spectre of Communism 

PreOccupation: A Not-So-Brief History of Palestine

Project Censored

Bands of Turtle Island  (Website)

Proles Pod

Marxist Voice with a Socialist Appeal

805UNCENSORED Podcast 

The Cosmopod Podcast

Socialist Revolution 

The Deprogram Podcast 

Under the Shadow

Cocktails and Capitalism

Pod Damn America 

The Radio Free Amanda Podcast

The Red Nation Podcast (Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/therednation)

The Socialist Program 

American Exception Podcast

The Empire Files

The Fall of Civilizations Podcast 

Their Book Recommendations  

The Geopolitical Economy Report

The Black Myths Podcast 

The Pushback Podcast with Aaron Maté 

The Blowback Podcast

Podcasting in Praxis

Government Secrets with Lee Camp and Graham Elwood