The FBI and CIA

The FBI is yet another corrupt government organization but no where near as much as the CIA - because of this, there doesn't seem to be a consensus if the FBI should be defunded, reformed or abolished. 


The Abolishment of the CIA 

(November 27th, 2020) 

The United States and The Deep State (Playlist by the Geopolitical Economy Report)

📖 Book Recommendation: Mafia Kingfish: Carlos Marcello and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy

We must advocate for the closing of Pine Gap

The United States in conjunction with the NSA and CIA have a partnership with various Australian agencies at the military base: Pine Gap. This base which is in the middle of nowhere is used by The United States, NATO, and Australian governments, along with their allies to coordinate drone strikes, spy on civilians, and most certainly many other illegal operations that government officials from both countries and their allies are probably unaware of. Pine Gaps targets places such as: China, Russia, South Asia, East Asia, The Middle East, Eastern Europe, and the Atlantic landmasses. So basically anyone that has resources the United States wants or is pushing back against the United States hegemony in any way. Furthermore, It should be no surprise that Big Tech also works with Pine Gap and their various operations.