
On this page you will find information pertaining to healthcare as well as what needs addressing.

(April 17th. 2020) 

(January 30th, 2022)

Opinion: I personally feel that Single Player Healthcare or Nationalized Healthcare System should also cover veterinarian bills for service and therapy animals.

The first I heard of the nice project to provide free Narcan in case of opioid overdose was in August, 2022. The first free Narcan vending machine was installed in Texas at 4430 Menchaca Rd. - Ohio has a similar program. albeit not for free. 

3. Ban and make the sale of private medical data without consent illegal. 

5. Senior care and end of life care that is fully funded by single payer or insurance, with no out of pocket costs for the elderly or their families. Additionally, for those who want their aging family members to remain with them in their home, single payer or insurance must also cover in-home care and/or assisted living services. Additionally, the government should also provide you the option to recover all your loved ones online data and remove as much of it as possible from the Internet upon request.  

(September 6th, 2022) 

6. The legalization of all drugs, with the more dangerous ones being administered and monitored by health professionals in a safe environment. After such policies and facilities are put into place, we must also decriminalize all drugs and release non-violent drug users from prison, clear their record corresponding to drug possession and/or distribution, as well provide reparations for them to get back on their feet. 

📚 Book Recommendations: Smoke and Mirrors: The War on Drugs and the Politics of Failure, The Drug Users Bible: Harm Reduction, Risk Mitigation, Personal Safety 

Psychedelic Drugs Have Huge Therapeutic Potential. An Expert Explains Why. (February 19th, 2023)

7. Mandatory paid maternity / paternity leave for new parents regardless of the job or company, with smaller mom and pop stores getting subsidies to help them afford such benefits. As well as free daycare for those who make less than 50k/yr.  

8. A global effort to address micro and Nano plastics which are not only being found in various ecosystems around the world but in our bodies as well, including the lungs, blood, human placenta and breast milk as well.

Microplastics in Human Breastmilk.pdf

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