Climate Change and the environment

On this page you will find information pertaining to climate change and the environment, what needs to be addressed, as well as some possible solutions. 

Please check out the 'Thrown to the Wind' Documentary (Trailer)  

(January 20th, 2023)

2. A global effort to clean up the world's various ecosystems both big and small. In addition to this, we must also provide well paying jobs on a global scale to keep the planet clean. Such jobs can be as simple as cleaning up trash on the road, in the parks, etc. to being a scuba divers cleaning garbage and plastics from various bodies of water in conjunction with the international community working together to clean up the giant island sized garbage patches floating in the ocean.

(December 21st, 2012) | 2023 IPCC Report

3. Reduce the amount of meat we consume and heavily invest in and produce meat alternatives, such as plant based products or lab grown meat substitutes. This would reduce the amount of fresh water being consumed as well as free up land to give back to nature by cleaning it up and replanting trees, etc. Moreover, we also need to abolish factory farming and the torturing of animals that takes place therein.

4. The EPA does serve an important purpose but it like with every other government agency is corrupt. The EPA has very loose standards on what they consider safe for the public and oftentimes leave out important pieces of information. So, with that being said the EPA needs to be nationalized and rebuilt from the ground up on an international level by working with environmental activists, scientists, animal rights groups, etc. to properly serve the people and the environment the world over. Furthermore, the EPA of whatever may replace it needs more authority to hold various agencies and corporations responsible for their actions, or lack there of. This new EPA would need to require full transparency of all companies, organizations, etc. both big and small around the world. This transparency must go both ways with no data being hidden or redacted from the public at any time. The EPA must have enough power to quickly prosecute even the biggest of companies without settling out of court by giving them a fee and moving on - there must be extreme consequences to those who knowingly violate the laws for the sake of profit. Additionally, I believe that allowing the EPA to air trials against those that violate global EPA laws could be beneficial to keep the public informed.

(February 11th, 2022)

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(February 10th, 2023)