
I think this is gonna be the most controversial page on this website, at least for the time being until everyone is on the same page. And honestly, I debated with myself for awhile if I should even make it, but after some deliberation I decided to move forward with it. I, like millions of others around the world have trust issues and misgivings about the government, and rightfully so - but I suspect that many of us at least felt that the CDC, FDA, the WHO, and our other various government agencies, for the most part - had our best interests in mind; that they always did their best to provide as truthful and accurate information as possible. However, as time has progressed, that has clearly been shown not to be the case. If you are willing to learn about the Covid-19 pandemic and how everything panned out, I urge you to really spend some time on this page, watch the videos and read the articles. 

To be absolutely clear, I am not against vaccines, what I am against is the dangerous mRNA technology as well as the lies and corruption brought on by greed. Now, there was a lot more that I wanted to say but I'm trying not to give too much away, nor do I want to scare off too many people because I want you to take the time to consume the material listed below, then come to your own conclusion.  

If you're expecting just one document or source of information to tell you everything, you probably aren't gonna find it - at least, not anytime soon. That is why I included what I have, all of which talk about various aspects of Covid-19. Consume as much information as you can on this page because you won't get a clear picture by consuming just one or two things .Consider it like doing a puzzle, it won't make sense until all the pieces come together. 

From my perspective — the truly horrific thing about all of this is that vaccine hesitancy is only going to get worse and make the next threat even more dangerous because people are going to immediately distrust their government and health officials. I think once everything is said and done, that it's going to take many years for people to at least moderately trust what they are being told. 

One last thing, when it comes to vaccine injuries and or vaccine related deaths, let's say for the sake of the argument that 99% of those claiming vaccine injury or know someone who died are lying. What makes it acceptable to mock the remaining 1% with legitimate claims? Regardless of your beliefs and political affiliation, victim blaming is not okay. Now, with all that being said, please take the time to consume some of the material I have listed on this page surrounding Covid-19. 

⚕️ The concept of natural immunity is first noted by Athenian Thucydides in observing the Athens plague, in 430 BC.  

Book Recommendation - Expired: Covid the untold Story by Dr. Clare Craig.

This book covers how the world handled the pandemic. If you can't afford the book, you can also listen to her discussions with Dr. John Campbell here. Part 1 and 2, you can also go to Rumble and look through the video archive for the discussions with her.  

If you have information that debunks something that I have listed, please send it to me via the contact form as I am not immune to making mistakes, although, I do try my best to provide you with thought provoking material in regards to Covid-19. 

Reading Material

If you're looking for more medical studies, the videos from Dr. John Campbell have links to everything he discusses in the video descriptions, you can find some of his content linked below in the video section. 

I was recommended some Substacks but I couldn't decide what article(s) to include, so you will have to look through their publications and come to a conclusion based on what information they have provided. 

Sasha Latypova - Dr. William Makis - Mark Crispin Miller -  Jessica Rose PhD - Danielle Baker  

In my opinion — deliberate gain of function research and its weaponization should be illegal by international law. Those funding and pushing for it should be permanently imprisoned, but not the workers who were just doing their jobs. However, if said worker(s) benefited substantially from their research In any way, they should have their assets seized and be banned from working in any lab environment ever again.

(May 23rd, 2024)

Miscellaneous Videos regarding Covid-19 and Vaccines

If you're looking for medical studies, the videos from Dr. John Campbell have links to everything he discusses in the video descriptions. 

If you're looking for a short podcast that discusses Covid, try The Bassline - granted I definitely do NOT agree with everything that is said but it is important to hear other people's opinions and thoughts. Sometimes the truth lies somewhere in the middle.