Solidarity Through Adversity 

Thank you for taking the time to look at my website, I designed this site to the best of my ability to be an educational resource. I originally started out with a Google document as a way to save material for later reference and this went on for years as I periodically added to it. However, the more I collected, the more I felt that I should create something different in order to share what I have acuminated to help inform others about the world around them. With all that being said, please be sure to take your time here because there is a lot of content linked throughout this website and you really need to look around to get the most out of it. Now, I don't expect people to consume everything but I hope you consume some of the information that I have shared throughout this website and really take advantage of the resources that I have provided. Please be advised though, that I am based in the United States and therefore most of the content revolves around it and its actions, or the lack thereof.  However, I must admit that I couldn't have gathered everything here without the help of others -  this website is merely a compilation of others works and contributions. 

This website was made using Google's free web service and the ability to customize it is extremely limited. Be advised that this is a pet project of mine, I'm doing this alone and I am not getting paid, nor for personal reasons can I accept any financial aid. But, If you have the means to help others, then please - consider donating your time and or money to one or more of the many direct action and mutual aid groups listed on this website.

Updated: March 1st, 2025)