censorship and privacy

On this page you will find information discussing censorship, specifically online censorship, as well as how our government(s) are violating our privacy. 

Surveillance Under the USA/PATRIOT Act    

End Mass Surveillance Under the Patriot Act 

After 20 years, it's time to repeal the Patriot Act and begin to dismantle the surveillance state | And Reform or Abolish the NSA

Related Bills:

Online Copyright Protection (April 28th, 2022)

Not so Smart: The SMART Copyright Act’s Dangerous Approach to 

Journalists, Rights Groups Urge Ban on 'Sinister' Spyware Like Pegasus (May 3rd, 2023)

S.3663 - Kids Online Safety Act and S.1409 - Kids Online Safety Act

 | Article May 4th, 2023)

FISA 702: - Congress is Trying to Ram Through Spying Powers Extension  (December 7th, 2023)

Senate Passes $886 Billion Military Bill That Includes Mass Spying Extension with Edward Snowden slamming the Bipartisan extension of the bill.  (December 14th, 2023)

Multiple states are introducing their version of US bill S.B. 152 as well as some countries like Australia, which also coincides with the fight for net neutrality. This bill would strip away all online anonymity and require age verification for some websites. Age verification is probably what is going to be used to sell the idea to the public among the more conservative crowd. But there are plenty of tools and resources out there as it is to add blocks/filters for various web searches and websites - this is nothing more than government overreach. However, the true nature of this bill in my opinion anyway is to go after press freedom and political dissent, because with no online anonymity, it would allow companies and governments to more swiftly go after groups, organizations, activists, and or individuals who are against their government's actions - or lack thereof. It shouldn't surprise anyone that this proposal is heavily supported by the WEF and the oligarchs that run our government(s). If this bill passes, it will be the final nail in the coffin for everyone's freedom, what little there is left of it, and pave the way for a complete fascist takeover. Despite some of the wording used in this article, this is an important issue we should be addressing. Net Neutrality should be a part of all protest demands! ~ Article (February 17th, 2023)

Miscellaneous :

✍️ The fight to BAN Facial Recognition

✍️ Bad Internet Bills (Earn It, KOSA, Restrict Act, Age Gating, CSAM)

To combat big tech censorship, we must also de-privatize the internet and give it back to the people by nationalizing it - information is a right, not a privilege. And lastly, we NEED to have some serious conversations on revising 47 U.S. Code § 230.

The Technological Elite Are Now in Control.pdf