Activism, Mutual Aid, and Hotlines 

On this page you will find, as the title suggests - activist groups and non-profit organization, as well as mutual aid resources and help hotlines. Please keep in mind that this is only a short list, I can guarantee you that there are many other organizers and resources out there that I haven't come across.

(Note:  Some organizations I did not include due to years of inactivity or because their website/pages were deleted.  And again, like with everything else, these are in no particular order.) is a global grassroots movement working to end the age of fossil fuels and build a world of community-led renewable energy for all. Website

The Aapti Institute is a research institution working to generate public, policy-relevant, actionable and accessible knowledge from the frontiers of tech and society, to support the creation of a fair, free, and equitable society. Website

Algorithm Watch is a research and advocacy organization shedding light on algorithmic decision-making processes that have a social relevance, processes used either to predict or prescribe human action or to make decisions automatically. Website

Grassroots Global Justice (GGJ) is an alliance of over 60 US-based grassroots organizing (GRO) groups comprised of working and poor people and communities of color. GGJ brings GRO groups into a long-term process of relationship building, political alignment and transformational leadership development.  Website

AROC serves to fight for racial and economic justice, and the dignity and liberation of working class Arabs and Muslims across the San Francisco Bay Area. Website

A global organization of Military Veterans and allies whose collective efforts are to build a culture of peace. Website

The Athena Coalition is A US grassroots alliance of dozens of labor, immigrant, and digital rights groups taking on Amazon together. Website

Attac% is a Norwegian branch of an international movement working towards social, environmental and democratic alternatives in the globalization process. Website | France Branch

The APMDD is an alliance of more than 54 movements, trade unions, and grassroots groups across Asia.  Website

The Debt Collective works to help cancel debts and defend millions of households throughout the process. Join us to build a world where college is publicly funded, healthcare is universal and housing is guaranteed for all. Website

The NEC exists to support a just transition from an extractive to a regenerative economy by building the scale and power of the solidarity economy movement in Black, Indigenous, and working class communities in every region of the United States. Website

The Good Law Project is a not for profit campaign organization that uses the law for a better world. We know that the law, in the right hands, can be a fair and decent force for good. It is a practical tool for positive change and can make amazing things happen. Website | 2021/2022 Annual Report 

The CPT places teams at the invitation of local peacemaking communities that are confronting situations of lethal conflict. These teams support and amplify the voices of local peacemakers who risk injury and death by waging nonviolent direct action to confront systems of violence and oppression. Website 

GAIA’s mission is to catalyze a global shift towards environmental justice by strengthening grassroots social movements that advance solutions to waste and pollution. We envision a just, zero waste world built on respect for ecological limits and community rights, where people are free from the burden of toxic pollution, and resources are sustainably conserved, not burned or dumped. Website

The Center for Constitutional Rights works with communities under threat to fight for justice and liberation through litigation, advocacy, and strategic communications. Since 1966, we have taken on oppressive systems of power, including structural racism, gender oppression, economic inequity, and governmental overreach.  Website

The BWI is a global federation grouping free and democratic unions with members in the building industry and allied sectors, representing millions of workers in over 100 countries.  Website

The Balanced Economy Project is an international anti-monopoly organization, focused on countries outside the United States. Our goal is to re-balance our economies in the wider public interest, to roll back the rising tide of oligarchical control that threatens democracies. Website

The Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) is a research and campaign group working to expose and challenge the privileged access and influence enjoyed by corporations and their lobby groups in EU policy making. Website

FOSNA is a nonprofit Christian ecumenical organization seeking justice and peace in the Holy Land through education, advocacy, and nonviolent action. Website

The AFSC is guided by the Quaker beliefs that each individual can shine a light in the darkness in their own way while advocating for a world free of violence, inequality, and oppression. Website 

DiEM25 is a pan-European, progressive movement that aims to democratize the EU before it disintegrates. Website

World BEYOND War is a global nonviolent movement to end war and establish a just and sustainable peace.  Website

The Coalition on Human Needs (CHN) is an alliance of national organizations working together to promote public policies which address the needs of low-income and other vulnerable populations.  Website

Win Without War is a diverse network of activists and organizations working for a more peaceful, progressive U.S. foreign policy. Website 

The Hawkers Joint Action Committee is a collective representing hundreds of thousands of street vendors across India.  Facebook Page

Jobs-Not-Wars is a time-limited petition campaign to urge the president and congress to abandon austerity solutions to the deficit and instead to end the war, cut military spending, tax the super-rich, and redirect resources to restore and protect the social safety net, create jobs, deal with climate change and meet other urgent social needs. Website

The Global Forest Coalition is an international coalition of NGOs and Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations defending social justice and the rights of forest peoples in forest policies. The mission of the Global Forest Coalition is to advocate for the conservation and restoration of forest ecosystems. Website

Food Not Bombs recovers and shares free vegan or vegetarian food with the public without restriction in over 1,000 cities around the world to protest war, poverty and the destruction of the environment.  Website

V-Day is a global activist movement to end violence against all women (cisgender, transgender, and those who hold fluid identities that are subject to gender-based violence), girls and the planet. V-Day believes that when art and activism come together, they have the power to transform systems and change culture. Founded by V (formerly Eve Ensler), activist and author of the The Vagina Monologues, V-Day has inspired women all over the world and raised collective consciousness about how violence and gender intersect. V-Day is a movement and an example of how the power of art can be used as a liberating tool for transformational holistic education and social justice.  Website

HKM is a Pakistan-wide campaign for the enforcement of fundamental rights through grassroots organizing, momentum and pressure. Website

The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) seeks to recapture and redevelop the historic anti-war, anti-imperialist, and pro-peace positions of the radical black movement. Through educational activities, organizing and movement support, organizations and individuals in the Alliance will work to oppose both militarized domestic state repression, and the policies of de-stabilization, subversion and the permanent war agenda of the U.S. state globally.   Website 

The Independent Workers Union of Great Britain (IWGB) is an independent and dynamic trade union in the UK that fights with precarious, under-unionized, and under-represented workforce's to take on gig economy corporate giants. Website

The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement works to end international support for Israel's oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law. Website 

The Global Fund for Women envisions and fights for a world where movements for gender justice have transformed power and privilege for a few into equity and equality for all. Website

The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation promotes women’s rights in conflict-affected areas. We do so by supporting and cooperating with 140 local partner organizations. Website 

MADRE is an international women's human rights organization and feminist fund. We partner with community-based women's groups worldwide facing war and disaster.  Website

 The Poor People’s Campaign is a national call to confront the interlocking evils of systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, militarism and the war economy, and the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism. Website 

The IPS is a progressive organization dedicated to building a more equitable, ecologically sustainable, and peaceful society. IPS is also in partnership with various social movements to turn transformative policy ideas into action.  Website

The IEN is a grassroots organization by Indigenous peoples and individuals to address environmental and economic justice issues (EJ). IEN’s activities include building the capacity of Indigenous communities and tribal governments to develop mechanisms to protect our sacred sites, land, water, air, natural resources, health of both our people and all living things, and to build economically sustainable communities.  Website 

NAPF is a non-profit, non-partisan organization with consultative status to the United Nations which advocates for nuclear disarmament. Website

The Global Campaign for Peace Education (GCPE) is as a non-formal, international organized network that promotes peace education among schools, families and communities to transform the culture of violence into a culture of peace.  Website

The Sex Workers Outreach Project-USA is a national grassroots social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of sex workers and their communities. SWOP is committed to the safety, autonomy, and human rights of people in the sex trade, and stands in solidarity with the many social justice movements intersectional to our own, including but not limited to Black Lives Matter, disability rights, drug and immigration reform, gender equality and the LGBTQ movement, and the rights of the working class. Website | Facebook Page

Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action seeks to go to the root of violence and injustice through direct action to reduce or abolish all nuclear weapons.  Website

Women for Women International supports the most marginalized women to earn and save money, improve health and well-being, influence decisions in their home and community, and connect to networks for support.  Website

AMP is a grassroots organization dedicated to advancing the movement for justice in Palestine by educating the American public about Palestine and its rich cultural, historical and religious heritage and through grassroots mobilization and advocacy.  Website

ECOAR is an alliance of activists that seek to build a useful tool for social movements and citizenship based on anti-capitalism, anti-globalization, responsible consumption, defense of public and environmentalism. Website

IndustriALL Global Union represents 50 million workers in 140 countries in the mining, energy and manufacturing sectors and is a force in global solidarity taking up the fight for better working conditions and trade union rights around the world. Website

Education International is a global federation of teachers' trade unions, representing the voice of millions of trade union members in over 150 countries and territories. Website

The Clean Clothes Campaign is a global network dedicated to improving working conditions and empowering workers in the global garment and sportswear industries. Website

The Canadian Center for Policy Alternatives is a research institute concerned with issues of social, economic and environmental justice, producing the research and analysis necessary for policymakers, activists, and everyday Canadians. Website

The Detroit Black Community Food Security Network works to build self-reliance, food security and justice in Detroit’s Black community by influencing public policy, engaging in urban agriculture, promoting healthy eating, encouraging cooperative buying and directing youth towards careers in food-related fields.

Fairplay is the leading nonprofit organization committed to helping children thrive in an increasingly commercialized, screen-obsessed culture, and the only organization dedicated to ending marketing to children. Website

Friends of the Earth (France) seeks a transition to a sustainable planet and economy, to escape the wastefulness of capitalism and over consumerism with a shared vision amongst other groups for global, social, and environmental justice. Website

Ethical Consumer is an independent, not-for-profit, multi-stakeholder co-operative with open membership, which provides all the tools and resources consumers need, to make choices at the checkout simple, informed and effective. Website

Samidoun is an international network of organizers and activists working to build solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in their struggle for freedom. Samidoun seeks to achieve justice for Palestinian prisoners through events, activities, resources, delegations, research and information-sharing, as well as building bridges with the prisoners’ movement in Palestine. Website

Focus on the Global South is an activist think tank in Asia providing analysis and building alternatives for just social, economic and political change. Website

The nonviolent peace force focuses on those most impacted by violence, NP champions unarmed civilian protection (UCP) — using encouragement and deterrence, rather than violence and fear.  Website

The The International Trade Union Confederation or ITUC consists of regional organisations in the Asia-Pacific, African, and American regions. We cooperates with the European Trade Union Confederation, including through the Pan-European Regional Council. The ITUC represents 200 million workers in 332 national affiliates, the ITUC promotes workers' rights and interests through international cooperation between trade unions, global campaigning and advocacy within major global institutions.  Website

The International Federation of Journalists is a global union federation of journalists' trade unions, representing more than 600.000 media workers from 187 organizations in 146 countries that seeks to defend human rights, democracy and media pluralism.   Website

The CND is a movement of people campaigning to get rid of nuclear weapons in Britain and worldwide. Website 

Invisible People is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to educating the public about homelessness through innovative storytelling, news, and advocacy. Website

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is a democratic, affiliate-led federation recognized as the world’s leading transport authority. We fight passionately to improve working lives, connecting nearly 700 affiliated trade unions from 150 countries that may otherwise be isolated and helping their members to secure rights, equality and justice. Website

Migrant Justice is an organization based in Vermont that focuses on building the voice, capacity, and power of the farmworker community and engage community partners to organize for economic justice and human rights.  Website

The Website 'Great Non-Profits' is a directory of non-profits and activist organizations near you based on your location in the United States.

The Lakota People's Law Project is an activist group investigating the unlawful removal of children from their families and to fight to reclaim their stolen indigenous land(s).  Website

Lasair Dhearg is an Irish Socialist Republican organization, the beginnings of which came together in late 2017. Lasair Dhearg is fighting for a 32 County Socialist Republic.  Website  | The tail end of the podcast episode also talks about this organization 

Strive is an organization serving transgender people in North West Florida. We provide moral and material support to trans people who need it -- through emergency housing, allocations for medications (primarily Hormone Replacement Therapy), food, transportation, and any other items needed for survival. Website

KCT is a citywide tenant union in Kansas City, led by a multiracial, multigenerational base of poor and working class tenants in. KC Tenants organizes to ensure that everyone in KC has a safe, accessible, and truly affordable home. Website

Open Mic is an initiative that works to foster greater corporate accountability at media and technology companies.  Website

Oxfam is a global organization that fights inequality to end poverty and injustice by offering lifesaving support in times of crisis and advocate for economic justice, gender equality, and climate action. We demand equal rights and equal treatment so that everyone can thrive, not just survive. Additionally, we also provide a wide variety of research and publications. Website

Partners for Dignity & Rights (formerly National Economic and Social Rights Initiative) envisions a just world where everyone is treated with dignity, everyone’s human needs are met, and everyone can thrive and reach their full potential.  Website

Privacy International is a UK based organization that aims to protect democracy, defend people's dignity, and demand accountability from institutions who breach public trust. Website

Progressive International unites, organizes, and mobilizes progressive forces around the world. Website

SOLIDAR is a network of over 60 member organizations in 29 countries working to advance social justice in Europe and worldwide, driven by its shared values of solidarity, equality and participation. Website

Public Citizen is a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization, with 500,000 members, defending democracy, resisting corporate power and working to ensure that government works for the people, not for big corporations.  Website

The Worker-driven Social Responsibility Network consists of worker organizations, allies, and technical advisors who came together to create the Worker-driven Social Responsibility Network for the purpose of expanding, promoting, and replicating this model in supply chains around the world.  Website

Remake is a community of fashion lovers, women rights advocates, and environmentalists on a mission to change the industry’s harmful practices on people and our planet.  Website

Public Services International is a global trade union federation representing over 20 million public service workers in 163 countries, championing human rights, social justice, and universal access to quality public services.  Website

The Transnational Institute is a international research and advocacy institute committed to building a just, democratic and sustainable planet, engaging social movements, scholars and policy makers.  Website

SOMO is a research center that investigates multinationals. Independent, factual, critical and with a clear goal: a fair and sustainable world, in which public interests outweigh corporate interests.  Website

The Sustainable Economics Law Center cultivates a new legal landscape that supports community resilience and grassroots economic empowerment. We provide essential legal tools - education, research, advice, and advocacy - so communities everywhere can develop their own sustainable sources of food, housing, energy, jobs, and other vital aspects of a thriving community. 

The tax justice network is an independent international network for research, analysis and advocacy in the area of tax and financial regulation, whose positions directly challenge the world's most powerful vested interests.  Website

Similar organizations:

A pan-African research and advocacy organisation working to curb illicit financial flows (IFFs) and promote progressive taxation systems.  Website

A network of Dutch civil society organizations and trade unions committed to a global fair tax system and advocates greater transparency from companies and governments.  Website

Tax Justice UK champions the role of tax and campaigns for a more progressive and effective tax system in the UK.  Website

The UNI Global Union represents more more than 20 million workers from over 150 different countries in the fastest growing sectors in the world – with staff and partners throughout the world, UNI Global Union brings together workers from over 150 different countries in the service economy to win better jobs and better lives. UNI helps workers build power by growing unions through organizing; protecting and expanding collective bargaining; and holding corporations and governments accountable to workers, not just an elite few. Website

The Union Aid Abroad (APHEDA) is a global justice organization of the Australian union movement, working to support stronger union and social movements in thirteen locations in Southeast Asia, the Pacific, the Middle East, and Southern Africa.  Website

The War on Want is An anti-poverty charity working to challenge the root causes of poverty, inequality and injustice through partnership with social movements in the global South and campaigns in the UK.  Website

The Workings Peoples' Charter is a network of more than 150 provincial local organizations, focusing on bringing together all organizations working with, and organizing infromal workers.  Website

The Burning Spear is the official press of the African People's Socialist Party (APSP). The oldest Black Power newspaper in existence. The Burning Spear works in solidarity with activist groups to seize the means of production by taking away control from our capitalist oppressor.

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Mutual Aid

The Mutual Aid Disaster Relief is a grassroots disaster relief network based on the principles of solidarity, mutual aid, and autonomous direct action. Website

Survival International is an organization that champions tribal peoples around the world. We help them defend their lives, protect their lands and determine their own futures. Website 

The Lilith Fund provides financial assistance and emotional support while building community spaces for people who need abortions in Texas—unapologetically, with compassion and conviction  Website

Givebutter is a platform similar to Go Fund Me but specifically for Mutual Aid. Website

The Mutual Aid Hub is a website that shows where you can find various mutual aid networks and food resources within the United States. Website

Feel free to recommend more resources