Streaming News and Media

If you, like me, prefer to listen and/or watch something instead of reading lengthy articles then I recommend checking out these outlets. And no, these are in no particular order. 

The Juice Media  (Includes discussions and comedically honest political ads)

Youtube Channel | Website 

Marx Engels Lenin Institute

This Youtube Channel discusses current events and political theory from a Marxist perspective, presented by Alexander Mckay.  

Project Censored

Project Censored aims to educate the public about the importance of a truly free press for democratic self-government. They expose and oppose news censorship and promote independent investigative journalism, media literacy, and critical thinking.  | Youtube Channel

Geopolitical Economy Report Website | Youtube

Note: The host Ben Norton is good on international issues but he's not perfect.

See:  Enough Silence , Theft 

Going Underground

Link Tree

The People's Forum NYC

Double Down News


Fault Lines:

Rumble Channel 

Critical Theory Workshop 

This Youtube Channel contains a collection of video recordings discussing theory and politics. (These are very long, in depth conversations)

Why Marx?

Youtube Channel 

1 Dime Radio

Also in podcast format, 1Dime Radio discusses politics, philosophy, theory, history, and political economy 

Youtube Channel


Also in podcast format, emancipations provides high-quality scholarly analysis for a public audience. They aim is to bring serious analysis of important texts in Marxist thought, psychoanalytic theory and philosophy. 

Balkan Odyssey is a reformed right-wing conservative who became a Marxist. His YouTube Channel focuses on history, philosophy and political economy.

Black Power Media

Youtube Channel Website 

Burn it Down with Kim Brown

YouTube Channel 

Twitch Channel  Linktree 

The Political Matrix

Rokfin Channel 

The Brazilian Youtube Channel: História Pública is dedicated to information, debate and political analysis carried out by Marxist historians.

João Carvalho is a Portuguese historian who speaks many languages and brings a well needed perspective of how the global south views communism. They, of course, also discuss current news and events, too. 

Real Progressives 

Youtube Channel | Link Tree 

The Convo Couch

Youtube Channel

Class Consciousness Project

African Stream is a pan-African digital media organization based exclusively on social-media platforms, focused on giving a voice to all Africans both at home and abroad through cutting-edge, African-centered content. 

The Left Lens with Danny Haiphong 

Youtube Channel |Linktree 

The Jimmy Dore Show

Although I included Jimmy Dore as a source of information, it doesn't mean I agree with him or his guests on everything, but Jimmy does occasionally touch on topics that others won't approach, which is why I added him here.                

Website | Youtube | Rumble