Gender Transitioning

I was hesitant to include this culture war section but after listening to many discussions from those within the transsexual community and even some de-transitioners, I thought this was too important to leave out. 

(March 21st, 2024)

Terms and Definitions: Transgender people and transsexuals are completely different. A transsexual is someone with gender dysphoria, who has received a medical diagnosis and will acknowledge that they are biologically male or female. Transsexuals are those who went through an extensive medical process, therapy, etc. and knew the risks before transitioning. These individuals put in the effort to pass in order to live as the opposite sex and blend into society, . Where as transgender is an all-encompassing umbrella term that has no clearly defined definition and should be disregarded in academic circles as a slang term for people who self-identify, use made-up terms for pronouns, and generally, have undiagnosed dissociative personality disorders.

Disclaimer: After getting some constructive feedback regarding the WPATH Files, I think its only fair that I mention that some things in the files were a bit, less than honest. With that being said, I still have the files listed because they do bring up good points here and there. In my opinion, the best way to learn about this is to consume as much information as possible. 

Genspect is a useful resource when talking about this issue, they have many things that you can read on their website, they also have a Youtube channel.

miscellaneous information 

Disclaimer: After finding out that Buck Angel is a genocide supporting Zionist, I have decided that I will no longer be adding any more videos from him here. I thought about removing his content entirely, but as disgusting as Buck is for being a Zionist, he is very well informed on trans issues and therefore I decided to keep his videos listed, but as I said, I won't be adding anything more from him here.