the military industrial complex

I thought about mentioning this issue within the Judicial System section but decided this deserved its own; even though it's going to be a relatively smaller one since pretty much all the information and content pertaining to the US military is on the international affairs page. Now, with all that being said I need to stress that the United States needs to slash its military budget by AT LEAST 50%, preferably 80%. In addition to this, we need to dismantle and abolish NATO, because despite the narrative that NATO is a defensive program it has been shown time and time again that is not the case but is in fact an offensive one. Often times the US and NATO will move forward with military operations without consulting the UN, nor has the United States officially declared war on any country, despite its constant meddling and interference all around the world. (You can find additional information on such interference in the CIA and FBI sections) This constant warmongering and aggression by the United States all circles back to capitalistic greed, which is quite literally at the root of most, if not all of humanities problems. Furthermore, we must also drastically cut the Pentagon budget - considering that they seem to have a habit of failing their audits as they misplace trillions of dollars, all of which could have been better spent on other things.  And last but not least, we must completely reduce our nuclear armaments, if not get rid of them all, for it only takes 1 nuke to destroy the world for decades, if not centuries.

(August 9th, 2021)

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