Means of Production

n. private property, property owned for the purposes of making money, not personal use.

note: anything you own personally is personal property: your home, toothbrush, beach house, your own farm etc.
Private property is only property you profit from, an airbnb, factories, apartment complexes, natural resources, mines, farmland you rent etc.


The means of production otherwise known as private property, is property owned specifically for making profit through others. So a landlord's apartment complexes, commercial farmland, factories, natural resources (like the amazon rainforest, or fishing regions of the ocean) etc. are all means of production.

Under capitalism these essential resources go to the highest bidder, and if you cannot afford the rent, or food, or medicine you are forced to go without. Even those not outright killed by others hoarding resources often still die 'deaths of despair'; the worker is so overburdened and the fight to survive so difficult they end up developing serious mental disorders, physical aliments, debt, and are driven to suicide, substance abuse, and unsafe behavior due to the apparent hopelessness of it all.

Where to learn more

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