Other Worlds

  • the economic system based on private and usually absentee ownership of capital and the hiring of employees to work it.
  • Capitalism allows one to use one’s money to make more money, and thereby tends strongly to increase the concentration of wealth into ever fewer hands while most fall steadily farther behind.
  • The economic system most of the world currently lives under
  • An umbrella term used to describe social ownership of the means of production. Social ownership can include common ownership, state ownership or collective ownership. "Socialism" can also refer to an intermediate and transitional form of society between capitalism and communism.
  • Socialism is seen as the means to achieving communism
  • Communism is the same as socialism as a system, but is distinguished as the period of socialism when the socialist state has become "post-scarcity" meaning all needs are met for all people, and the state itself is no longer necessary
  • a stateless, classless, moneyless society with common ownership of the means of production.
  • Anarchy is a system that seeks to abolish involuntary hierarchies in a society