
There are two ways the word communism is used

n. a political & economic theory that advocates for returning private property (also known as the means of production or capital, ex. factories, natural resources, hospitals not personal property ex. your home or possessions) to democratic, public control. Under communism capital is used for the public good and cannot be used for private gain. This is unlike capitalism where people who own capital can make money simply by owning the factory or apartment complex or rainforest, rather than by the labor they perform. This structure is also known as socialism (which is not the same as a social democracy ex. Norway)

n. the final stage enacting a communist ideology or the final stage of socialism is communism; a stateless, classless society where private property is publicly owned.

Sometimes you will hear people say "there has never been a communist country" or "communism has never been achieved". What the mean is that the final stage of socialism, where the state becomes unnecessary, has never been achieved. These countries were still communist in ideology and if they were in the process of using the means of production to meet the needs of the people and not profit, they were doing socialism.


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