

Here you can find podcasts that are fun and educational. You can search by topic via the table of contents, and our favorite recommendation of each section is highlighted in red.

  1. Comedy & Entertainment

  2. Current Events (News but not sad and boring)

  3. Economics

  4. Gender & Sexuality

  5. History You Weren't Taught

  6. Leftist Theory & Economics

  7. Race & Colonization

  8. Science

  • Apps and sites to listen to podcasts on

Leftist Theory

  • Tackling the sometimes difficult conversations about prison abolition. Chats with experts explore the history, future, obstacles and joys of abolition
  • Discussing political philosophy, current events, activism, and the inevitable historical downfall of capitalism from a revolutionary leftist perspective.
  • Frequency 1 episode / week
  • "What do an Iraqi, a Balkan Slav and a Southerner from the US have in common? A burning hatred for the system. Oh, and a podcast. Say no to eating out of the trash can of ideology."

  • an excellent, well researched, and incredibly funny podcast on leftist theory, current events, and next steps

  • The kids in school who did drugs and got high Marx: a podcast by Hilary Argo about the War on Drugs and the post-capitalist future. We're going to win, and have fun doing it
  • Frequency 1 episode / 2 weeks
  • Podcast about taking political action guided by direct action, solidarity, autonomy, and mutual aid

Red Menace

  • Explanation and analysis of revolutionary theory and discussion of how its lessons apply to our contemporary conditions

  • Jamie Peck, Sean, AP Andy and guests discuss leftism in a comedy podcast
  • Biweekly
  • Citations Needed is a podcast about the media, power, PR, and the history of bullshit. It is hosted by Nima Shirazi and Adam Johnson, and produced by Florence Barrau-Adams.
  • a documentary & interview series on war and inequality from the heart of Empire hosted by Abby Martin. Empire Files is donor-funded, independent and add free.
  • Srsly Wrong is a utopian leftist comedy podcast about world peace. It is created and hosted by Shawn Vulliez & Aaron Moritz.
  • Frequency 2 episodes / quarter
  • Christine wants to learn about socialism and communism. Grady, their brother, is a big nerd about those things! A podcast for the people.
  • Gothic socialist comedy podcast by three idiot comedians

Trillbilly Worker's Party

  • Southern based comedy podcasts on modern events with a leftist leaning
  • Hasan Piker and Will Neff look at recent events from a left-leaning, satirical point of view
  • Frequency 1 episode / week

Comedy & Entertainment

  • Twice-monthly community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, where every conspiracy theory is true. Turn on your radio and hide. Never listened before? It's an ongoing radio show. Start with the current episode, and you'll catch on in no time. Or, go right to Episode 1 if you wanna binge-listen.
  • Srsly Wrong is a utopian leftist comedy podcast about world peace. It is created and hosted by Shawn Vulliez & Aaron Moritz.
  • Frequency 2 episodes / quarter
  • tells the story of four suburban dads from our world flung into a world of fantasy and magic in a quest to rescue their lost sons.
  • The show is available on Apple iTunes, Spotify, Acast, and this website (if you’re some kind of deviant who uses web browsers to listen to podcasts).
  • Leftist comedy podcast featuring interviews with a wide variety of writers and other prominent leftist figures.
  • Along with film reviews, they also read and make fun of right wing and liberal media figures. They are very popular and do tours. Look up their clips on YouTube and obviously check this one out.
  • Devin & Amber discuss one work of fiction or franchise and make an original character within that framework

  • Once a week

Current Events & Theory

  • "What do an Iraqi, a Balkan Slav and a Southerner from the US have in common? A burning hatred for the system. Oh, and a podcast. Say no to eating out of the trash can of ideology."

  • an excellent, well researched, and incredibly funny podcast on leftist theory, current events, and next steps

  • Discussing political philosophy, current events, activism, and the inevitable historical downfall of capitalism from a revolutionary leftist perspective.
  • Frequency 1 episode / week
  • A discussion of current events through the lens of leftism and three friends, one of whom is Robert Evans who I love

  • Cody Johnson and Katy Stoll do the news

  • Frequency: weekly

Trillbilly Worker's Party

  • Southern based comedy podcasts on modern events with a leftist leaning
  • Delete Your Account is a new podcast hosted by journalist Roqayah Chamseddine and her plucky sidekick Kumars Salehi. Every week they will talk about important stories from the worlds of politics and pop culture, both on and off-line, in a way that will never bore you. They're radical leftists, but not that kind. The other kind. The fun kind.
  • Frequency 1 episode / week
  • The Red Nation is dedicated to the liberation of Indigenous peoples from colonialism. We do this through centering Indigenous agendas and struggles in direct action, advocacy, mobilization, and education.
  • A storytelling podcast sharing moments, stories and experiences that have shaped peoples’ ideas about our world, and the way society should function.


  • explores complex economic issues and empowers listeners with information to analyze their own financial situation as well as the economy at large.
  • By focusing on the economic dimensions of everyday life - wages, jobs, taxes, debts, and profits - the program explores alternative ways to organize markets and government policies.
  • A storytelling podcast sharing moments, stories and experiences that have shaped peoples’ ideas about our world, and the way society should function.

History You Weren't Taught

  • There’s a reason the History Channel has produced hundreds of documentaries about Hitler but only a few about Dwight D. Eisenhower. Bad guys (and gals) are eternally fascinating.
  • Behind the Bastards dives in past the Cliffs Notes of the worst humans in history and exposes the bizarre realities of their lives. Listeners will learn about the young adult novels that helped Hitler form his monstrous ideology, the founder of Blackwater’s insane quest to build his own Air Force, the bizarre lives of the sons and daughters of dictators and Saddam Hussein’s side career as a trashy romance novelist.

The Dollop

  • Comedians Dave Anthony and Gareth Reynolds picks a subject from history and examine it

  • History of armed leftist resistance and activism

  • As long as there's been oppression there's been people fighting it. A wekkly podcast dives into history to drag up the wildest rebels, the most beautiful revolts, and all the people who long to be free. Explores complex stories of resistance that offer lessons and inspiration for us today.

  • How did American police get so violent? The answer to that question goes back centuries, to the earliest days of this nation. On this special podcast miniseries hosts Robert Evans and rap artist Propaganda (Jason Petty) draw a straight line from the darkest days of slavery, to the murder of George Floyd and the mass violence American police meted out to their citizens this summer.
  • a radical internet radio show broadcasting on the first and third Friday of every month.
  • Our shows cover a wide range of topics from climate justice, to animal rights, to anti-fascism, to squatting, to economic justice, and beyond as well as featuring much frivolity and our regular DJ slot.

Gender & Sexuality

  • Season of the Bitch (SotB) is a leftist podcast comprised of 6 hosts, referred to as The Coven, talking politics and culture. It is just like any other leftist podcast, except there are no cis men.
  • Frequency 1 episode / week
  • Robert Evans went looking for hope. He found it in the unlikeliest of places: Northeast Syria, in a region known as Rojava that’s become host to a feminist, anti-authoritarian revolution. When you’ve heard about these folks in the mainstream media, they’re usually just described as the “Syrian Kurds”, and credited with beating ISIS. They did, in fact, beat ISIS. But their military successes were just part of the story. In The Women’s War, Robert will introduce listeners to dozens of men and women fighting a war for the future of the human soul.

  • Podcast that examines the underapperciated and overlooked queer people that have been overlooked by history, which has never been as straight as you think

  • Once a month

  • A podcast exploring what gender is, and the variation of gender on Earth

  • a podcast about the portrayal of women in movies hosted by Caitlin Durante and Jamie Loftus

  • for lovers on the margins, join sexuality educator Ericka Hart and Ebony Donnley, as we game give, dismantle white supremacy and kiki in the cosmos somewhere between radical hood epistemological black queer love ethics, pop culture, house plants and a sea of books.

Race & Colonization

  • for lovers on the margins, join sexuality educator Ericka Hart and Ebony Donnley, as we game give, dismantle white supremacy and kiki in the cosmos somewhere between radical hood epistemological black queer love ethics, pop culture, house plants and a sea of books.

  • Comedian Tamer Kattan hosts a podcast where each week a US immigrant shares their American origin story

  • Weekly


  • Beautifully produced science-based podcast. The sound production and narrative forms of this podcast make it hugely engaging, such that learning new things is a true joy.
  • You Are Not So Smart makes learning about how you're an idiot rather a lot of fun. David McRaney's sardonic wit and clear explanations only add to the fascinating subject matter of cognitive biases, fallacies, and psychology more generally. Available in blog, book and podcast form.