Pride & Queer Resources

Happy Pride! Click to Read

Hello! This month, lets not just celebrate Pride as a marker of incredible progress but remember the radical, working class, anti-racist, anti-capitalist and mutual aid roots of Pride and keep up to date with the fight for equality, esp for our trans and BIPOC siblings. Despite some federal protections:

  • First & most importantly the necessities of life, food, water, housing, education, a job & an environmentally stable & safe place to live are not promised under capitalism, and queer people are disproportionately poor & subjected to such inhumane conditions, as are many working class people (source)

  • Conversion therapy is still legal in 22 states and 4 colonial territories, and is often tax payer funded (source) and the Trans & Gay Panic still legal in 33 states (source)

  • The right to transition & exist in public spaces such as bathrooms or sports teams is being criminalized (source)

  • 27 states have no explicit laws protecting people from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity in employment, housing and public accommodations (source)

  • Our educational approach to gender remains reflective of only the colonial, western conception of gender (women & men) (source)

  • Poor and BIPOC queer people are harmed the most, due to intersections with systemic racism and and capitalism which much of modern queer rights movements fails to address, settling instead for neoliberal solutions and acceptance (source)

  • Incarcerated queer people are much more likely to be abused & discriminated against, denied affirming treatment, and as all incarcerated people, are forced to do labor for the state, as the 13th amendment bans slavery except in cases of incarceration (source)

To aid in awareness about this we've collected resources, books, short works, theory, videos, and documentaries exploring queer culture & liberation, past, present, and future. Almost all the resources are free, so please enjoy them and this month at your leisure <3

Action Steps You Can Take!

Even more coming throughout this month!

Marsha P Johnson.mp4

Marsha P. Johnson (quick tik tok)

Trans Liberation 2.mp4

Trans Liberation pt 2 (quick tik tok)

Trans Liberation Movement 1.mp4