Leftism 101

Leftism is a term used to describe the range of political/economic ideologies that are to the left of liberalism. Put simply, leftists believe in both political and workplace democracy, advocate for the abolishment of capitalism and imperialism, and fight for civil and human rights, such as equality, housing, food, water, healthcare etc.  

If you would like to live in a sustainable and fair world, we encourage you to learn about the systems that are oppressing you and how to fight back. To make that easier and not deadly boring, we have compiled a list of fun resources explaining the big ideas anyone (leftist or not) need to understand to navigate the modern world. Below we have free youtube playlists, documentaries, books, zines, podcasts, short articles - whatever way you like to learn we try to provide. We also have solutions that are commonly suggested by the left explained simply. If you don't feel like you have time to learn, just follow some educational creators, on tik tok, twitter, instagram, or YouTube and learn as you scroll! Here's our MasterList (updated all the time)

If you decide you like these ideas, fantastic! We're happy to have you and we have many next step actions such as orgs to join, mutual aid guides, instructions on how to protest or educate other safely. If you decide you don't, that's okay too, and we hope this site and its resources are still of use to you, particularly the mutual aid section if you are ever in need. You matter and you deserve all you need to survive and thrive. Much love to all working class people and all our comrades <3

Queer & Trans Liberation

Race & Political Oppression

Leftist Plans & Concepts

Nationalizing Necessities