Dual Power

n. strategy of building liberated spaces and institutions grounded in direct democracy

Ex. worker and tenant unions, horizontal power education models, community owned energy, community councils, mutual aid collectives


(1.) building counter-institutions as alternatives to the institutions currently governing production, investment, and social life under capitalism

(2.) organizing through these institutions to build up a base of grassroots counter-power to eventually challenge the existing power of capitalists and the State.

In the short term, this improves the people's standard of living, solves issues unaddressed under capitalism such as homelessness, and gives people more autonomy over their lives. But more excitingly, in the long run these methods provide models for new ways of organizing our society based on libertarian socialist principles. They create a path towards a revolutionary transition from a capitalist mode of production. This revolution will liberate us from both the need and the drive to create wealth for the rich, making possible a socialist mode of production that seeks to benefit all of humanity and free us from the lonely confines of commodity relationships.