
Let's get crafty!

Whether you are bored at home, want to find a new hobby, or you are looking for something to ease your anxiety, crafts are a great way to pass the time. And they result in some really cool stuff!

(p1) Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash
(p2) Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

A Quick Note...

While looking through the crafts, keep in mind that many of them can be free if you use materials already around your home (such as newspapers or old homework pages for origami, or an old tshirt you never wear anymore in the back of a drawer for sewing fabric). While some crafts may require you to get materials, most of them you can either order online shipped to your door, or get creative and repurpose items from around your home or outside.

For those that do want to order materials, call your local art stores to see if they can do curb-side pick up or delivery. Supporting our local small businesses during this time is more important than ever as they are being hit hard due to the quarantine.