Eye of Kubiat Nnamdie

Swampspace is spellbound in presenting

Surface Layers Evolved

by Kubiat Nnamdie

Opening July 26th 7-11 pm

Kuby's solo show of photography alludes to the metaphysical distillation processes occurring in disparate areas of modern life. Curated by Jane Hart, the selection of photographs elucidates distinct events of the transformation process as experienced by this young Nigerian artist living in America.

As if to sip an Ayahuasca brew or gulp on DMT giving way to deep trance meditation, Surface Layers Evolved attempts to convey a dimensional collapse defined by ambiguity of focus to reveal new horizons for the subconscious. In this imagery, individual perception is warped and ordinary objects take on an anthropomorphic quality. Nnamdie's photography erases the programed reality typified by Weegee and Cindy Sherman to skillfully intuit a chaotic spiritual energy that is at once cleansing and obliterating; taking us beyond our comfort zone.

Kubiat Nnamdie - Miami, Florida A multidisciplinary artist working with video, photography, sculpture, and painting. Current work addresses issues related to spiritual and psychological events in contemporary society. Interested in occult systems, real-time interconnectivity of systems, and the effect of these systems on individuals. Works with mysticism, ancient technology and ritual practice. Presented at the Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, Sofia Design Week and Milan Image Art Fair. Co-authored split-book with Talkinass, Italian publishing house.