Swampspace is pleased to present:


The art of humility.

Red Flag Magazine and The Nature Conservancy

Bhakti Baxter

David Brooks

Brian Butler

N. Dash

Benjamin Degen

Mark Dion

Jim Drain

Christina Pettersson

Rebeca Raney

Dana Sherwood

Opening Party Saturday October 24th 7-11pm

Performances by Shira Lee and friends of Yaga Art Wagon

Refreshments, Interactive art, opportunity to win art.

Special Benefit for the Florida Panther

What day exactly are you back in Miami?

Here are the target dates again:

Install: Monday Oct 19- Thursday Oct 22

Up and Ready: Friday Oct 23

Launch Party: Saturday Oct 24 7-11pm

Lecture Event : TBD (most likely a weekday evening)

Dance Event : TBD (this will be a small specialized event with a cover charge)

Closing Party : TBD (We may not want to do a closing, but I will need to sell all the work so I may organize a live auction before it closes if the work doesn't sell prior) *I would love you thoughts on pricing each work once you are back in town and can see the works in person.

Here is the Current Draft of the Press Release. I have to start sending this out to press organizations and a final version to the printers on Monday afternoon. I welcome any feedback you may have on it.




By Red Flag Magazine and The Nature Conservancy

Opens Saturday October 24 7-11pm

Monday - Saturday 11-7pm

Closing November 14, 2015


When venturing into nature the ethos and creed of every wilderness lover and conservationist is "Leave No Trace". That means we should enter nature humbly, carry out our trash and leave it the way we found it.

That's how many of us aspire to live in our everyday lives, but that's not what modern man has created through civilization. The very nature of civilizing the planet is to re-organize, re-design and leave our trace. Ironically, in the process we are eradicating entire bloodlines of animal species from the face of this earth. We are in essence leaving "no trace" of animals and habitats that were here for millennia before we arrived.

RedFlag.org presents "LEAVE NO TRACE", an art exhibition addressing the issue of extinction and featuring special commission works from Bhakti Baxter, David Brooks, Brian Butler, Ernesto Caivano, N. Dash, Benjamin Degen, Mark Dion, Jim Drain, Christina Pettersson, Rebeca Rainey, and Dana Sherwood. Through 3 interactive bodies of work we will explore the story of our relationship to the great web of life.

For this exhibition Red Flag has partnered with The Nature Conservancy to raise awareness and funding that will go directly to their land conservation project in Central Florida. The aim of the project is to expand habitat and access to habitat for the Florida Panther. Throughout the exhibition calendar we will offer several free events. Stay connected at www.redflag.org


Small Talk : an evening of story telling

RedFlag.org and The Nature Conservancy host a special evening of stories about nature, art and activism.

Where: Swampspace Gallery/ 3940 North Miami Avenue/ Miami, FL 33127

Date: Monday November 9, 2015

Time: 7-9pm

The Evening's Storytellers:

Greg Knecht, (Director of Protection for the Nature Conservancy in Florida) : "Panther Prowess"

Nicole Davis, (Founder of Red Flag Magazine and RedFlag.org) : "Activism and Adventure"

Christina Pettersson, (Swedish born Miami-based artist) : "The Furies of The Swamp"

This free event is being offered as part of the programming around "LEAVE NO TRACE" an art exhibition that creatively addresses the topic of extinction to raise funding for The Nature Conservancy's Panther Pathway Project for the Florida Panther.

We will have drinks and light snacks available.

Space is limited so please RSVP to nicole@redflagmag.org

The dialog will continue over dinner at Harry's Pizza next door if you would like to join (not included in the evening).

For more info visit www.redflag.org

Image: "After Aesop II" by Christina Pettersson from "LEAVE NO TRACE" at Swampspace Gallery