October 23, 2020

LOVE*WORN by Jody McDonald OPENS at Swampspace.

A resource for vintage and contemporary fashions.

Opening Preview October 24, 2020

“Fashion is the armor to survive everyday life” Bill Cunningham

Swampspace is thrilled to showcase Love*Worn by Jody McDonald. Imaginative and resourceful, Jody has demonstrated a unique ability to respond to the perennial crisis of rebirth with ingenuity. His focus on contemporary themes of sustainability has resulted in a delightful celebration of colorful living. The need to cloth oneself is a basic human right and a necessary condition for civility. It’s what separates us from the animals. His Love Worn Brand offers a magical realm of dress-up for grown ups. By curating with discriminating scrutiny, McDonald compiles a discerning selection of vintage and contemporary garments from a mountain range of consumer products that clutter our fragile planet. With a sophisticated eye and paternal care, he sifts and catalogs a surprising affordably selection of rich stylish gems. These masterpieces of design may be post consumer in strict classification, but they are non the less new to you and ready for a fresh incarnation wherever it’s safe to sashay. In these trying times, Love*Worn effectively twists a familiar adage on its heels. We say, Out with the New, In with the Old!

Art is many things to many people. So is fashion, music and science. One thing is certain about these disciplines, they are interwoven in the shared creative processes of inquiry, investigation, experimentation, analysis, development and final implementation.