Kipchoge runs 1st sub 2 hour marathon

Eliud Kipchoge runs the 1st Sub 2.00 hour marathon

For several years there has been discussions, was it possible for someone to run a sub 2 hour marathon. We have found an answer

On a closed coarse in Vienna Austria following a pace car and a team of pacers Eliud Kipchoge has run the first sub 2 hour marathon with a time of one hour 59 minutes and 40 seconds

This effort does not qualify as a world record, it was run on a closed course with a team of pacers swapping out every lap and they were following a pace car at pace...

Kipchoge and team attempted the 2017 Nike's Breaking 2 project and finished 2.25 seconds just 26 short of their sub 2 goal.

This time they succeeded in the Ineos 1:59 Challenge. Both projects had huge teams of scientists establishing optimum conditions and tactics.

Eliud Kipchoge currently holds the marathon world record at 2:01.39