Keep out phosphorus

Develop social media (or door-to-door) campaigns to discourage purchase and use of lawn fertilizers containing phosphorus, a nutrient not needed by lawns, but present in many fertilizers nonetheless.

After participating in this activity, you should be able to...

  • Explain the role of phosphorus in the watershed and its impact on water quality.

  • Understand how fertilizers work in supporting plant growth, especially the three primary nutrients of many fertilizers: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

  • Educate others about the impacts of phosphorus in fertilizers, including from a One Water perspective.

  • Use social media effectively to conduct a campaign to reduce use of lawn fertilizers with phosphorus.

  • Meet and advise business and/or residential property owners adjacent to river banks about potential improvements about managing fertilizer application, and/or impact by organic material

Check out these for some background...


Is your group ready to pitch in?

Steve Lundt, Senior Water Quality Scientist, Office: 303-286-3272, Mobile: 303-204-8057,,