Join River Watch

With your team, collect South Platte River water quality data (metals, nutrients, and other parameters) and add it to the statewide River Watch database to contribute to long-term monitoring efforts.

After participating in this activity, you should be able to...

  • Sample and analyze water quality and other indicators of the South Platte River watershed health monthly that can be used to educate communities and inform decision makers. Data gathered include temperature, dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, and hardness.

  • Participate in a four-day training to learn how to sample and analyze data effectively.

  • Earn up to four Continuing Education Units (CEU) through Colorado School of Mines for attending a River Watch training and implementing the program.

Watch these for some background...

See River Watch here on Twitter.

Read about River Watch here.


Is your group ready to pitch in?

Megan McConville, River Watch Program Manager, 303.291.7323, 6060 Broadway, Denver CO 80216,