Hold a public educational event
Help spread the word about the importance of the South Platte River and the ways all of us can make a difference in its health. Through water festivals and county fairs engage with the public to learn from them and share SPRAY progress.
After participating in this activity, you should be able to...
Speak confidently about the significance of the South Platte River and what the public can do to help make it better
Develop materials to use in demonstrating important river and watershed concepts.
Is your group ready to pitch in?
Adams County: Juliana Archuleta, Stormwater Administrator, Public Works, Adams County, 4430 S. Adams County Parkway, Suite W2000B, Brighton, CO 80601, Main switchboard: (720) 523-6400 | Office phone: (720) 523-6869| Mobile: (303) 887-7836, mjarchuleta@adcogov.org, www.adcogov.org/stormwater