Plan stormwater safety grates and rails
URGENT NEED. Help improve public safety of stormwater infrastructure in our local communities by identifying locations where safety grates, safety rails, "climb to safety" signs, and other improvements can help meet an urgent need to protect the public from potential danger. Storm drainage pipes can be very dangerous with such safety features.
After participating in this activity, you should be able to...
Conduct field work (during daylight hours and weekdays year round) to document opportunities for improving safety related to stormwater infrastructure, surveying the presence or absence of various types of safety elements and hazardous areas, such as steep drops along bike paths or poorly lite areas.
Use smartphone applications developed by the Mile High Flood Control District to record specific safety concerns (via ArcGIS Survey123) of stormwater infrastructure.
Investigate stormwater infrastructure along major drainageways and in local communities, including any pipe that is 18 inches or greater, using pre-defined questions and surveys created by the Mile High Flood Control District.
Help present survey results to local government agencies so they can prioritize future public improvement projects, including safety grates and rails.
Explain the realtionship of stormwater to the One Water concept.
Watch these for some background...
Is your group ready to pitch in?
Contact: Brik Zivkovich, Mile High Flood District, 2480 W. 26th Ave. Suite 156-B, Denver, CO 80211, Office: 303-455-6277, Direct: 814-823-1807,