Crowdsource stormwater control measures
Join a network of people monitoring and helping evaluate stormwater control measures across the metropolitan area, to help understand the effectiveness of these features and document and report their conditions and maintenance needs.
After participating in this activity, you should be able to...
Explain how stormwater control measures work and why they are used as part of a One Water approach
Identify stormwater control measures around the metro area
Use the Mile High Flood District smartphone app to record and share conditions of stormwater control measures and teach others to use the app.
Use the Mile High Flood District Early Flood Prediction and Protection website
Subscribe to data for a rain gauge near where you live
Use the Alert5 system to XXX. system real-time. also past events.
Communicate with stormwater professionals in reviewing proposals for stormwater control measures (e.g., Review design plans)
Adopt a street, a park, a catch basin, a pond, a trail and report back on program success.
Watch these for some background...
Is your group ready to pitch in?
Contact: Brik Zivkovich, Mile High Flood District, 2480 W. 26th Ave. Suite 156-B, Denver, CO 80211, Office: 303-455-6277, Direct: 814-823-1807