Monitor water quality

Sample water quality at the South Platte River and assess macroinvertebrates.

After participating in this activity, you should be able to...

  • Take and test water samples.

  • Explain key water quality field tests, including pH, temperature, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen.

  • Understand water safety.

  • Identify the presence of macroinvertebrates as indicators of health of the river.

  • Communicate how water testing helps with a One Water approach.

Watch these for some background...

Learn how to do water sampling, through an online interactive lab.


Is your group ready to pitch in?

Tessa White, Stormwater Administrator, Public Works, Adams County, 4430 S. Adams County Parkway, Suite W2000B, Brighton, CO 80601, Main switchboard: (720) 523-6400 | Office phone: (720) 523-6957 | Mobile: (720) 630-3186,,

Juliana Archuleta, Stormwater Administrator, Public Works, Adams County, 4430 S. Adams County Parkway, Suite W2000B, Brighton, CO 80601, Main switchboard: (720) 523-6400 | Office phone: (720) 523-6869| Mobile: (303) 887-7836,,