Slave Primrose

THIS CONTENT IS IN A FUTURE RELEASE. You should expect to see it added in 1.0.2

<step zero>

This content is a continuation from the Primrose Destruction route. You will need to complete that path and then choose to keep him as your slave.

<step one>

After a few in-game days, you will receive a phone call from the Disciplinary Department asking you to visit. After receiving the call, you can visit the dungeon ward after work on days where you do not already have plans.

<step two>

Once you have arrived at the dungeon, you will go through an introduction scene with Ms. Omino going over the functions of your visits and checking in on Primrose to see what shape he is in. You will not get to play with him on the first visit.

<step three>

On your second visit, you will have the option to play with the various aliases Primrose has created. Each of the aliases has two scenes: one for the first time you interact with them and one for repeat visits.

<step four>

Once you have completed the Finale, you will have a chance to either grant Primrose his freedom, keep him as a slave permanently, or sell him back to the company (which has a variation for choosing to shut down SISSI during the Epilogue).