Primrose Purification

Disclaimer: completing this content will result in sweeping changes to Primrose's personality and affect his ending options as well. While the spirit of the character is still there, it is a major shift in demeanor.

Also, this plot line will take weeks in-game to complete. It is best to tackle it in chunks.


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<step one>

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<step one>

Within a week of the previous event, you will receive a phone call from Nursula Sprocket letting you know that you can visit Primrose in the asylum now.

<step two>

Visit the asylum after work and go through the first VR therapy session. 

<step three>

Talk to AIKO in VR at home. You will now have access to the VR therapy program from home. You can visit Primrose in person at the asylum still but progression will be done through home VR.

<step four>

Complete the Lorelei VR therapy sessions. You can complete them all in one sitting but you won't see visible progress until you return to work.


<step zero>

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<step five>

And now you're done! Lane's epilogue will show up with a card depending on what you did (or didn't) do.