Sex Obsession

Your sex obsession stat represents of much of a giggly, airheaded, sex crazed, girl you are... or at least can act like. This stat can have some impact on your behavior if it is greater than your Smarts stat.

You start the game at 0

Threshold { 0 - 5 }

Max { 2 }

Sir spend a lot

  • During the intro, order things from Alizon for a lot of money

Max { 3 }

A dumb thing to do...

  • During the intro, try to go home when summoned by Mrs. Antlers

Max { 4 }

Check what you wear...

  • Open your door when someone is there without wearing much or not wearing any clothing at all

No commando...

  • Go commando for your first day as a secretary

Max { 5 }

Special lessons

  • Take the first bimbo fitness class at the gym

Unable to follow orders...

  • If you screw up Mrs. Antlers food order at lunch

Threshold { 6 - 10 }

Max { 6 }

I like to lick

  • Eat the candy that Candy gives you

My mind is happy

  • Achieved after the second experimental therapy session with Dr. Trapper

Max { 10 }

Double the fun!

  • Successfully complete the double dildo bimbo fitness class at the gym

Bimbo Maid

  • Act up your bimboness while working at the maid cafĂ© in the mall

Paying for it

  • Pay for a blowjob at the gloryhole

Threshold { 11 - 15 }

Max { 12 }

Too many pink pills

  • OD on the Pink Pill Mk 1

Max { 14 }

Drink and be pink

  • Drink Compound D, potential reward for mixing drugs for Dr. Twig and getting the mixture correct

Way Too Many Pink Pills

  • OD on the Pink Pill Mk 2

Max { 15 }

A growing investment

  • Go into debt for getting a bigger penis

Investing in my chest

  • Go into debt for getting bigger boobs

Pink matter better than grey matter

  • Drink Compound D+, obtained from mixing drugs for Dr. Twig and getting the mixture correct. Must be smart enough to mess with the machine to get + versions of drugs

Threshold { 16 - 20 }

Max { 17 }

Lunch Slut

  • Join the orgy in the canteen when going to get lunch [SEE HERE]

Max { 19 }

Penultimate Bimbo

  • Prove your slutty qualifications with the biggest bimbo you know [SEE HERE]

Max { 20 }

Sex-addicted Bimbo Slut

  • Certify that you are a perfect slut with candy at the mall [SEE HERE]