
1 v 1 me in HOTTIES scrub

You start the game in the range of { 1 - 5 }

Threshold { 0 - 5 }

You start the game above this range

Threshold { 6 - 10 }

Max { 8 }


  • Achieved the first time you play HOTTIES

Pretty Deece

  • Master pugging HOTTIES by acting your role

Max { 10 }


  • Achieved the first time you play HOTTIES with Alex

Threshold { 11 - 15 }

Max { 12 }

Mad Skillz

  • Qualify for advanced league/character upgrade (win five times while playing with Alex, after the character unlock challenge)

Threshold { 16 - 20 }

Max { 16 }

Hardcore Gamer

  • Play HOTTIES with Alex in person

Max { 19 }

Tournament Hopeful

  • Enter the HOTTIES tournament with Alex for the first time

Max { 20 }

Gamer Slut

  • Win the HOTTIES tournament with Alex for the first time