
Feminization is how much you think and act feminine. 

You start the game at 0

Threshold { 0 - 5 }

Range { 1 - 3 }

Guy in Panties

Range { 3 - 5 }

Guess I'll wear panties now...

One time wearer

Panty enthusiast

Threshold { 6 - 10 }

Range { 5 - 7 }

Huh, unisex is kind of nice

Unisex is alright I guess...

Range { 6  - 7 }

Unisex is alright if I get paid...

Range { 7 - 9 }

Closeted Cutie

Range { 7 - 10 }

Huh, unisex and a touch of makeup go well together

Made up to go out

Range { 9 - 10 }


Threshold { 11 - 15}

Range { 11 - 13 }

Out of the closet!

For Special Occasions

Party girl

Range { 12 - 14 }

Painted up tart

Slut in training

Range { 13 - 15 }

Cheerful Cute Secretary

Cute Uniformed Secretary

Helpless Cute Secretary

Threshold { 16 - 20 }

Range { 15 - 17 }

Latex Maid

Maiden Maid

Maid to clean

Maid to wear latex


Max { 20 }

Feminisation Perfection