Tech Geek

Alex Strawberry, the "Tech Wizard" from your old job at Cloud Data Services. Loves coffee and Role Playing. Aptly described as a ginormous nerd, Alex has an infectious enthusiasm and is one of the more open minded and supportive characters you properly meet after the disaster at your IT job.


  • Cloud Data Services

  • If you have her number you can schedule a Saturday meet-up at Cafe Newtype in the mall

  • Can meet at her apartment to play in her RPG campaign.


  • On your first day can attempt to enlist her help to recover the data you lost.

  • Can call her to talk/schedule a meeting at Cafe Newtype

  • Teaches you how to start applying your own makeup.

  • Runs a weekly paper and pencil RPG group at her apartment.

Improving Relations:

  • Ask for her help recovering data during the early events.

  • Meet for coffee at Cafe Newtype on the weekend.

  • After finding common ground, join her RPG campaign and help clean afterwards.