leader headshots by phuckerrs (dA)/innduro (discord)
Welcome to Rise of the Clans!
We are OPEN for new members!
We are an LGBTQ+-friendly, plot-driven warrior cats based roleplay, hosted on Discord!
Our website is in BETA mode, as of August 19th, 2024!
Unsure where to start? Click the How to Join tab to apply for this group!
What's Happening?
For the comfort of the moderator team, Rise of the Clans is transitioning into an 18+ roleplay. Please see our age rating for more information!
Midnightstar has returned to ValleyClan, bringing back with her the remains of the ValleyClan deputy, Muddystep: their ear. Warrior Rowanhawk attempted to assassinate Midnightstar for power. A StarClan warrior prevented the assassination. Midnighstar decreed that the cat who dealt with Rowanhawk would become ValleyClan's next deputy. Warrior Vipersnap answered the call, accidentally killing Rowanhawk in the process With a cheer, Midnighstar declared him Deputy of ValleyClan...
One cool evening, as Greenleaf was coming to an end, all four Clans and every one of its members were struck with a dream: they were visited by a StarClan warrior, claiming to have a message for the Clan cat. The dream continued, but was not comforting: every StarClan warrior held a disgusted expression filled with disdain. The messages received were unique to each cat, and could easily be interpreted as a warning should one disobey their will...
Fjell'Byr has been visited by a newcomer: Lupin, who brings with him new knowledge to share with the Byr...
ValleyClan's leader, Midnightstar, and deputy, Muddystep, have been missing since the deputy left to confront Midnightstar regarding her decision to execute a Clanmate, Valyria as punishment for simply defying her. In their absence, ValleyClan has requested aid from RockClan, WoodClan, and StreamClan, to oust their murderous, tyrannical leader. WoodClan have promised aid, while StreamClan and RockClan have declined to help...
Leaf-Fall's Gathering was compromised by the arrival of the Serval Sisters, who have summoned the previously sealed-away Dark Forest to do their bidding...