Model E

  • Most of modern Psychosophy theorists use exactly this model, but, in fact, it’s not a part of the official theory. The author of the Model E is a certain individual called “Evdokimov”, he invented the model in 2009 on online Russian PY/Socionics forums.

  • Source. The account named "на лошади весёлой" ("on a fun horse") is exactly Evdokimov himself.

* different authors use different definitions & translations, but the meaning stay the same it seems.

  • Overall, it looks like just an oversimplification of the original characteristics and doesn't cancel the original theory much (exception: in the original Psychosophy the 3rd function is flexible while 4th is rigid, the author changed this characteristic based on his personal understanding of the theory. Alpha NTs man...). I'm not sure whether it can cause misunderstandings of the original Psychosophy or not, but I always recommend to learn the original source first ("Syntax of Love" and official PY website) before jumping to other theories.

  • Additional materials: Grunetier's article.