Third function

"We all have a failed side in us."

All abbreviated characteristics of the Third function: "ulcer", Process-oriented ("Superprocess"-oriented), Deficient, Dialogue-oriented, Flexible, Envious, Fearful, Doubtful, Compromising.

1 In terms of its principles, the Third Function almost does not differ from the Second, it's also process-oriented. Even, so to speak, “superprocess”*-oriented.

(Not from the book):
*superprocess = willingness to act indefinitely for a long time solely for the purpose of obtaining feedback, even if it is obvious that this activity will not bring any practical results. The Third function can fluctuate between two extremes: a complete denial of the relevant area of ​​life or one's abilities in it, or vice versa - an overestimation of its significance (that leads to this unpractical behavior).

2However, in its outward manifestations, the Third Function is strikingly different from the Second.

The difference is due to the fact that the Third is not a strength, but a weakness, our “ulcer”, a sore spot in the human psyche. It is a function that we ourselves consider vulnerable, flawed, underdeveloped, in need of constant strengthening, self-development and protection.

3The Third function is two-sided: the feeling of weakness is combined in it with the feeling of a huge, but not realized potential.

Just as the whole order of functions is divided into Top and Bottom (which has already been mentioned), the same way Third function is divided and bifurcated. The feeling of weakness is combined in it with the feeling of a huge, but not realized potential.

The Third is the chained Prometheus, a titan whose psychological chains make him weak, defenseless, vulnerable.

4Vulnerability, heightened sensitivity - are the main signs of the Third Function.

Attacks on the Third are extremely painful, and the scars from them remain for almost a lifetime.

Fortunately, the third function is rarely hit, as it has a heightened sense of danger that can prevent an attack, so it is difficult to surprise it with an attack.

5It’s prone to exaggeration, waiting for danger to happen, while in fact it rarely does.

Waiting for an attack on the Third Function is our main nightmare: 3rd Logic is afraid of accusations of incompetence, 3rd Physics - beatings, 3rd Will - humiliation, 3rd Emotion - tantrums.

However, this nightmare rarely comes true, as the Third is prone to exaggeration and usually greatly exaggerates the real danger.

• Returning to the comparison of the Third with the chained Prometheus, I will add that its defenselessness and vulnerability make it see in every crow, that’s flying by, the Zeus’ eagle sent to peck your liver.

6The Third, like no other function, is able to experience someone else's pain, and feel it even more sharply than the object of empathy itself feels it.

Tolstoy (VEFL), let's say, did not value the work of a scientist or a musician, but through the prism of his 3rd Physics he couldn’t look at every peasant working in the field without tears.

7Pity, compassion - are the properties that make the Third function related to the Second. However, there is a feeling unknown to the Second, but constantly accompanying the Third - it’s envy.

The Third function is envious of strong manifestations of the wounded aspect, so it starts to criticize this aspect, taking a certain mask/fig leaf.

It combines the desire to rise to the level of the object of envy and at the same time humiliate it. A free, open, strong manifestation of what is wounded in oneself irritates a person, makes one look for some kind of justification for one’s weakness, actively denies the significance and effectiveness of this aspect of life, and behind this denial, as if behind a shield, hides a sense of one’s own inferiority. This is how a fig leaf is born, with which a person usually walks all his life.

• The number of fig leaves corresponds to the number of Third Functions: it is irony for the 3rd Emotion, skepticism for the 3rd Logic, prudery for the 3rd Physics, foolishness and hypocrisy for the 3rd Will.

8The Third function can open up if it feels comfortable to do so, especially while being drunk.

A dry, reserved person (3E) becomes sensitive; a silent person (3L) becomes a talker, a misogynist (3F) becomes a philanderer, a modest person (3V) becomes a conceited one…

9Like the Second Function, the Third likes to test itself.

If the test of the Third is passed successfully, then the highest satisfaction, unknown in other cases, comes.

However, there are significant differences between the self-test of these two functions. Firstly, the Third Function prefers to test itself in conditions that exclude direct combat. And secondly, it goes in these tests to the full limit.

Tests to the limit occur because the Third function does not know the natural limit of its capabilities.

For example, Tolstoy's sister told how at the age of 15 he ran for five miles after a carriage, and when the carriage stopped, young Tolstoy breathed so hard that his sister burst into tears.

Only the 3rd, and, in particular, the 3rd Physics can examine itself in this way. Other Physics would behave differently: result-oriented Physics would simply not put themselves to the test (1st due to self-confidence, 4th due to indifference), 2nd Physics would run after the carriage, but would run only as long as this competition brings pleasure.

10❚ In general, successes, praises, awards in the Third Function are valued like no other and are the subject of inescapable pride of their owner.

So, Napoleon, having the 3rd Logic, was most proud of his membership in the National Institute (Academy of Sciences) and even signed his orders for the army “Bonaparte, member of the National Institute” and only after this title he put all the other titles, that maybe were much more significant for other people.

For the same reason, Third, more than any other function, is sensitive to flattery. It is impossible to sort out here; no matter how monstrous flattery is, deep down a person absolutely not believing it, nevertheless shows full readiness to drink and drink this poison, never getting fed up and not experiencing heartburn.