4E's emotionality
before adulthood

It's important to note that if you're an adult and were very emotional in your childhood (obviously) and your teenage years doesn't automatically imply that you can't have Emotions on your last position right now.

Emotional development is an important part of every human being, and besides that, as Afanasyev said, it's especially difficult to recognize someone with 4E during the age of 15 to 25 years, so the 4E can mistake themselves as 1E. After 25s (theoretically) their emotions tend to cool down and people with 4E become more objective and less caring about this aspect, paying more attention to their higher functions.

"A remarkable characteristic of the 4th Emotion is that there is a period in the life of the "onlooker" (4E) when his sensitivity looks not at all as it was the last in his internal hierarchy, but on the contrary - the first. The feeling of the 4th Emotion in oneself as the 1st is associated with the endocrine system and is due to a special mode of operation of the hormonal mechanism occurring during adolescence, i.e. the period between the 15th and 25th years. The fact is that it was during this period that nature put a particularly violent stimulation of the release of emotional hormones, creating the illusion of excessive sensitivity of nature, it is during this period that extreme sociability, passion for dancing, singing, poetry, art, show business, etc. falls. And it seems that nature has specially organized emotional seething for this period in order to push the human individual to reproduction (much has been said about the special relationship between emotions and reproduction before). But now, the age of the "onlooker" passes 25 years, and it turns out that his true interests lie in a completely different plane. He becomes calmer, closes up, putting aside brushes and scores. The secondary nature of feelings and dependence on the emotional structure of others are becoming more and more obvious, and at the same time, the view of the 4th Emotion into oneself becomes clearer and more objective."