Can your type change?

I think this rule can apply to every typology, but types in Psychosophy are not static and “Syntax of Love” can be used as a self-help book. It’s true that any person can work on their weak spot, and train a certain function to the point it can appear like another function in terms of strength, so the initial type of such a person can be highly blurred. If you don't know how to type someone in this case: what matters here the most is how much the person initially valued a certain aspect.

The "25th type" (2-2-2-2)

Besides the current 24 types Psychosophy has - there is also a type that’s called a “25th type”. Afanasyev introduces it on pages 96 and 195 in the e-book. In short, this type has all aspects in the second position, making a “2-2-2-2” structure instead of the usual “1-2-3-4”.

The second function is the strongest and most developed, it works well for the individual themself and can also be used as a tool to help others. So, the 25th type would have perfectly developed Volition, Physics, Logic and Emotions in the second position (2V 2F 2L 2E).

(Not from the book, )
Considering the way the functions work:

1) Your 1st function is already self-confident enough, the only thing you can do is make it more flexible for other people.
2) Your 2nd function is already perfect.
3) Your 3rd function is very insecure, so you
can work on these insecurities.
4) Your 4th function lacks a sense of self, so you probably should pay more attention to your 4th aspect.

Basically, it's just self-improvement.

Afanasyev mentions that, in theory, it’s incredibly hard to achieve such a type, but not impossible.

“The only way to bring the dispersed individuals together as galaxies, objectifying their points of view, is to get each of them to achieve harmony. That is to achieve a position when an individual has a cured ulcer in the 3rd function (i.e. no longer has problems with it), there is a good result in the 1st, processes are going on in the 2nd and 3rd functions. In this position, the functions work in the power given to them by nature, and the vertical order of the functions is made into a horizontal order, where all the functions are 2nd, which constitutes the essence of harmony and gives man a new, perfect nature - the nature of the 25th, unnamed type.”

"The horizontal of functions is a transition to the 25th, nameless psychotype — the only possible way of the evolution of human character not for the worse, but for the better. Belonging to the 25th type is the maximum and ceiling of a person's mental capabilities.”

Transferring functions from a vertical position to a horizontal position destroys their hierarchy. The horizontal of functions, i.e. the position in which all functions are equal, are 2nd and work with maximum efficiency — is the limit of human desires, full self-realization of the individual.”

Here’s how Afanasyev describes it:

“Describing 25 is not difficult. He is hardworking, sensual, sensitive, thoughtful, caring, responsible, decent, in a word, he is an ideal man, and no matter which side you turn him to yourself, his behaviour will always be exemplary. The 25th type is a dream man, the center of all virtues, the husband of all wives, the wife of all husbands. He has one flaw - IT’S HARD FOR HIM TO FALL IN LOVE. The 25th type is self-sufficient and would live as an anachorete if his functions, that became 2s with no exceptions, did not require constant process and dialogue. You can catch him on this. But you can't keep it. The 25th type doesn’t fall in love easily, but he’s compassionate. But compassion, unlike love, has its limits. That’s why the romance with the 25th type has the peculiarity that there is no equality in it, and only one of the parties shows true passion, painfully experiencing a combination of intimacy with an inadequate, in her opinion, reaction to a genuine feeling. But most importantly, the 25th type is extremely, fatally rare, given often late and for short periods. Suffice it to say that Goethe reached the 25th type by the age of 60 and lost it almost immediately, when wine and time in their diabolical work quickly and forever destroyed the inner harmony in him…”

Means by which you can achieve the 25th type, in short:

1) Developing your 3rd function and making your 1st function process-oriented and dialogue-oriented (instead of result and monologue).
2) S**.
3) “Agape” relationship (that’s considered to be the most harmonious one).
In this relationship, your partner has your 3rd function as their 2nd, and likewise with them. As an example, agape for FLEV would be FELV and VELF.

So, it makes the point that types in Psychosophy are not completely static, and the theory allows room for growth.