About the nature of Will

I deleted the post so yeah wip. Have some quotes tho

"There are three positions in which the face of the 1st Will is like three dissimilar expressions: when the “tsar” (1V) does not claim power, when he claims, and when he has it.

The 1st Will that’s not engaged in fighting for power, of all the inherent characteristics, outwardly shows only two: an unshakable faith in a two-stage, hierarchical model of the universe and uncontrollability. In all other respects, 1V bears little resemblance to the “tsar”. They’re a law-abiding, very decent person, a reliable friend and business partner. And there are practically no reasons for violating the norms of law and morality for the “tsar”, who is not engaged in fighting for power. There are difficulties. Overabundance of Will is spent only on protecting one's own sovereignty, and life acquires obvious features of asociality: celibacy, loneliness, egocentrism, etc."

"The main thing is that the activity of the Fourth does not have an independent value, it is not a goal, but a means of existence. Therefore, if, say, someone with the 4th Logic is engaged in sphere of intellectual labour, it means that they’re trying to use this function (regardless of success) as a tool with the help of which the requests of other self-valuable higher functions are realise: ambitions* - for Will, material interests - for Physics, etc."

"Berthier (LFEV) is interested in promoting his ideas and views, and dreams of meeting a like-minded person with pronounced strong-willed character traits and trusting his leadership abilities.”

"The essence of the intellectual boundary that runs through the entire cosmos of living beings lies in the fact that individuals with the 4th Logic perceive thinking as a means, whereas individuals with higher Logic perceive it as a goal with all the gains and losses that follow from this circumstance.”

“Other mosquitoes, probably with the 3rd Will, were at first just as timid, but showed much more perseverance in achieving their goal. For a long time and consistently squeezing the circle, they did not calm down until they sat down on me. A clap of the palm followed, and if it did not finish off the bloodsucker, then the nightmare (the mosquito) returned to its original distant position, and the cautious, deadly hunt for me resumed.”

“The sadness, coldness, loss of strength, and lifelessness inherent in decadent poetry were also organic for Akhmatova's 4th Physics, as well as the accuracy and expressiveness of the word (2nd Emotion) in the transmission of these states.”

“She had everything that others only dream of. But she spent whole days lying on the couch, languishing and sighing. She always managed to yearn and grieve and feel unhappy. I jokingly advised her to sign not Akhmatova, but Anna Gorenko (i.e., the real name is AA). Grief is not better to come up with.

Fifty years will pass and already our contemporaries will describe the same proud woman lying on the sofa, languishing and sighing. They will think that the source of her grief is in a tragic fate, and they will be mistaken at the same time. She was born like this. With such a psychotype.”