Compilation of
the official sources

From Afanasyev (the creator of Psychosophy) and the official PY website.

The sources are easy to find, since they're available in the book and the official website, but I thought it'd be more convenient to have all of them in one place. I also wanted to share my translation of the namesakes that Afanasyev assigned to each function, since I think that the translation from Google was inaccurate.

Table of contents

Functions / Aspects

Descriptions from the official book

*1 the meaning of the russian word “сухарь” (4) (dry & insensitive person)

*2 the word “Мещанин”/”Meshchanin” (“Mieszczanin” on Polish) doesn’t seem to have a good equivalent in English.

On Russian this word has 2 meanings at the same time:

1) In Tsarist Russia: the image of the urban class, made up of small merchants and artisans, lower employees, etc.

2) A person with small interests and a narrow worldview, narrow-minded person.

"Мещанство (характеристика личности)"

I couldn’t find a good equivalent on English that would cover both meanings at the same time, but the best alternatives are Bourgeoisie (a social class similar to the one I mentioned, also “Bourgeoisie” was sometimes translated to russian as “Мещанин”/”Meshchanin”) together with Philistine.

I mentioned only the “Bourgeoisie” because I think the book was placing higher emphasis on the social classes.

*3 "зевака" 

Type descriptions

Descriptions from the official book

Descriptions from the official website
