Fourth function

All abbreviated characteristics of the Fourth function: "trifle", Result-oriented, Scant, Monologue-oriented, Rigid, Indifferent, Fearless, Unreliable, Dependent.

1 It is a "trifle" - a function to which we ourselves attach little importance.
(But it doesn't mean that the Fourth is weak and unproductive. Position =/= quality)

It doesn’t mean that the Fourth is weak and unproductive. On the contrary, the world is full of good mathematicians with the 4th Logic and artists with the 4th Emotion. The main thing in it is again the subjective hierarchy of internal values, forcing one thing in itself to be placed on the last fourth step. And treat it accordingly.

I would like to insist on this attitude to the Fourth Function, since the confusion between the quality of functioning and the position of the function at the steps of the mental hierarchy — is a common mistake in psyche yoga.
4th Logic is not necessarily stupid, 4th Emotion is not necessarily insensitive, etc. One woman with the 4th Will, when I once mentioned her "weak character", objected to me: “That's not true. I'm not weak. I'm just more comfortable being led."

2 Externally, the Fourth function is difficult to distinguish from the Second. They are related by freedom, naturalness and fearlessness of self-expression. For example, it’s easy for the 4th Logic to get involved in an intricate philosophical dispute, at the same time demonstrating looseness and paradoxical thinking, and not even being offended, like the 2nd Logic, after being called a “fool”.

3However, despite the outward similarities, there is a deep difference in motives between these two functions: a person with 2nd Logic will not be offended by the "fool" because they won’t believe they are, and someone with 4th Logic - because they’re deeply indifferent to the assessments in this part. That's the whole point.

4Activities of the Fourth function don’t have any independent value, it is not an end, but a means of existence.

Therefore, if, say, someone with the 4th Logic is engaged in sphere of intellectual labor, it means that they’re trying to use this function (regardless of success) as a tool with the help of which the requests of other self-valuable higher functions are realized: ambitiousness - for Will, material interests - for Physics, etc.

5Information that is extracted and obtained by the Fourth can be seen as unreliable.

Let us recall the 4th Logic of Tolstoy, who, with all his love for philosophizing, doubted the existence of Japan and Madagascar.

6The Fourth function completely turns off in crisis situations.

The human psyche, which is generally distrustful of the Fourth, during crises turns it off as a possible hindrance in choosing the right decision and transfers internal energy to higher levels.

7It mirrors other people’s requests.

Interaction with the Fourth is always identical to the order made by the superior function of the partner. For example, it makes the 4th Physics a good sexual partner, since, not having its own model of sexual behavior, it adequately and sensitively responds to all the partner's requests.

8The Fourth function is very dependent and easily entrusts itself to other functions higher in the hierarchy.

So, the 4th Physics painlessly goes into being “a kept woman”, the 4th Emotion is easily infected by other people's moods, the 4th Logic accepts any more or less plausible concepts without a dispute, the 4th Will agrees in advance with the decisions made for it.

9❚ The fourth function is a slave without guile, a chameleon and a dependent with a large, but more often dormant potential.